Assistance to a Free Cuba

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Jul 7, 2004
Fidel was just talking about how the people of his country are prepared to fight - from Fidel himself, to the military officers, to the post office worker. If the USA was to invade Cuba, their would be a lot of blood on their hands.
Jun 24, 2004
Mac Buddha said:
Fidel was just talking about how the people of his country are prepared to fight - from Fidel himself, to the military officers, to the post office worker. If the USA was to invade Cuba, their would be a lot of blood on their hands.

Are technology, as it always does, would overpower there numbers.
Jun 24, 2004
So why the fuck would we go there in the first place?

I'll quote Tom Clancy- "Because we elect idiots".

Hey im not saying that we should or why we should. Im just saying if we were to invade them, and they wanted to fight till everyone's dead they would be slaughtered.
Jul 7, 2004
You can't deny it would be one hell of a fight though, remember Fidel started his revolution with only 82 men packed into a small boat - their weapons weren't shit compared to what Baptista had. But yet they were still victorious - it's because they had the support of the people. You can take over a country put in a new leader, but what really matters is the will of the people.
Jun 24, 2004
Mac Buddha said:
You can't deny it would be one hell of a fight though, remember Fidel started his revolution with only 82 men packed into a small boat - their weapons weren't shit compared to what Baptista had. But yet they were still victorious - it's because they had the support of the people. You can take over a country put in a new leader, but what really matters is the will of the people.

Well I dont think there ak-47's and rpg's are gonna do much agaisnt are b-2 bombers and cruise missiles. God I cant wait till America finally starts mass producing the new stealth fighter "Raptors". Once there in no one will be able to touch us in the air.
Dec 25, 2003
DaytonFamily said:
Well I dont think there ak-47's and rpg's are gonna do much agaisnt are b-2 bombers and cruise missiles. God I cant wait till America finally starts mass producing the new stealth fighter "Raptors". Once there in no one will be able to touch us in the air.

I can't wait till we have a weapon that can blow up half the world in one shot, and we will put George Bush on the trigger.
Apr 25, 2002
Mac Buddha said:
Fidel was just talking about how the people of his country are prepared to fight - from Fidel himself, to the military officers, to the post office worker. If the USA was to invade Cuba, their would be a lot of blood on their hands.
He didn't say blood on their hands, friend, he said DEFEAT.

And you can stop the little Castro PR campaign now, its pathetic.
Apr 25, 2002
The will of which people? The *THOUSANDS* of people fleeing the country each year (thousands out of only a few million), many of whom would return if we overthrew Fidel?

Like i already mentioned in the other thread. Cubans are always "Fidel! Fidel! The US is imperialist! Socialism forever!", until that first chance they get to hop on a boat and experience REAL freedom.
Jun 24, 2004
tadou said:
The will of which people? The *THOUSANDS* of people fleeing the country each year (thousands out of only a few million), many of whom would return if we overthrew Fidel?

Like i already mentioned in the other thread. Cubans are always "Fidel! Fidel! The US is imperialist! Socialism forever!", until that first chance they get to hop on a boat and experience REAL freedom.

Jul 7, 2004
ColdBlooded said:
OK i'll answer this one AGAIN.

It has to do with the Cuban Adjustment Act.

The Cuban Adjustment act, was adopted by the US congress on the 2nd of November of 1966, under the Lyndon Johnson administration. It's main provision was to change the legal status of the Cuban immigrants; to treat them as political refugees and to grant them political asylum; and as such provide them immediately with privileges that no other group enjoys, such as, automatic permanent residence status - all without review and without the usual waiting time.

This privileged law affords the Cuban illegal immigrant the opportunity, to work legally, to govt. welfare, to unemployment benefits, and to free medical care. Things that the average immigrant (and US citizen) by no means is entitled to.

Their government, unlike that in the U.S., does not prevent people from leaving that do decide to do so. And in fact these people are forced by the U.S. government and the powerful Cuban-American terrorist lobby to take these unsafe craft for their voyage to the U.S. If the U.S. government or the powerful Cuba-American lobby were concerned with the well fair of these people and in seeing them on a safe voyage to the U.S. then they would provide for safe travel for them. But how much anti-Cuba publicity would that stir up? “Well today 2 Cubans flew from Havana to Miami on a 747 and landed safely.” Its much more important for their propaganda to show people on these boats trying to leave. Provide them with safe travel and they’d take it.

Approximately 4 thousand illegal immigrants arrive in the US daily, almost three times more than arrive illegally each year from Cuba. How often do you see their plight on the news? Very little. But of course the "free" press is always stacked against Cuba. When 5 or six boat people arrive from Cuba you are bound to hear it on the 6 o'clock news. The Miami Press controlled by the old Batistianos is even worse. The length of the news that the Cuban boat people are afforded is considerably more than given to other boat people. In essence what it's really about is to entice Cubans to leave illegally so that we can see it on the 6 o'clock news.

It has nothing to do with humanity, this law is really evil in intent; for if you think about it, as the result of this diabolical law, many have, over the years, risked and lost their lives.

In fact the U.S. repeatedly denies visas to Cuban citizens who apply for them. After repeated denials obviously people will be frustrated with the U.S. and knowing full well that the Cuban Adjustment act exists, granting full and immediate immigrant status with all the perks, they steal boats (or indenture themselves to Cuban-American exile terrorists that illegally traffic people). Either they make it to the U.S. and gain immigrant status or die in unsafe craft. People that get caught by Cuban coast guard after stealing boats obviously go to jail, just as they would in any other country. But once in jail that is when the U.S. interest section comes calling (after repeatedly ignoring attempts at a visa for legal immigration to the US) saying now they are ready to grant them a visa if they sign statements declaring themselves political prisoners. Should shed some light on this "political prisoner" issue, at least the majority of the cases, which the person is a legitimate criminal.

The INS is authorized to grant 20,000 visas annually to Cubans, but rarely fills any of them.

Now if the US has an immigration law and mechanism that allow Cubans to leave the island legally why then does the US have another policy enticing people to leave illegally and purposely never use the legal means?
I wonder if Tadou will take the time to read this.