I see a few enlightened niggas off in here and a few idiots, But since this IS AmeriKKKa, there's room 4 everybody. Some responses I agree with and some not. My take on the whole situation is that George W. Bush Jr is a fuccin moron! Reasons why? Well, where should I start? Hmmmm? Well, first of all this clown shouldn't even be the president of the U.S. him and his brother straight up jacced the presidency from Al Gore, Yeah that move may have been Gangsta, but it definitely wasn't in the best interest of the people, especially Black People. Try and hide the shit as he might but it's painfully obvious that Bush don't give 2 fuccs about Blaccs and/or other Minorities in AmeriKKKa. For examples, His blatant dis-regard for meeting with the CBC (Congressional Black Caucus) to hear out their (our) concerns with this war, the economy, etc... Or even slightly acknowledging their existence.. The White House Secretary's response on his behalf was weak as a soup sandwich talkin bout "The president looks at an issue that affects all americans" Yeah o.k. whatever, when Trent Lott made those racial remarks Bush was adamant (in the beginning) on NOT condemning those remarks (I wonder why? maybe becuzz he feels the exact same way!) After intense political pressure, He finally spoke out against Trent Lott's remarks. 4 those who don't know what "Senator" Trent Lott said, When they held a dinner/banquet honoring some old ass southern craccer named Strom Thurmond, Lott said that 'Had the north followed in the footsteps of the south we wouldn't be having a lot of these problems today' or words to that effect. I.E. keeping Blaccs enslaved, not allowing Freedom, etc..etc.. And for my 3rd and last example, the fact that Bush is pushing to end Affirmitive Action at that Detroit University, Man fucc Bush!! You don't have to piss on me and tell me it's raining muthaphucca! It's obvious this southern-bred, red-necc peccerwood ain't got no love for our people. This war ain't about "disarming" Saddam Hussein from his alleged "Weapons of Mass Destruction" or even his Oil, Bush is sending off hundreds of thousands of soldiers becuzz he has a Personal Vandetta(sp) with Saddam, straight up no chaser and that's on everything! He let it slip when he said that Saddam "Attempted to kill my Father", He's so fixated on Saddam (which is some gay shit anyway) when it's obvious that North Korea and the potential Nuclear crises that exists over there is far more relevant Right Now! Them North Korean assholes will set it and wouldn't think nothing about the shit. Niggas is throwing around the word "Nuclear" like shit is as simple and easy as that, But when you look at the fact that North Korea (already feeling threatened by the U.S. and doesn't trust South Korea at this point, and recently called off their negotiation talks) is moving full steam ahead with their Nuclear Plans, and now Iran is doing the same! Yall cats better get real, throw punk ass Israel (who the U.S. baccs without fail ,and is wrong as the days is long!) and we're looking at potentially the start of World War 3, or "The war that ends all wars" and humanity as we know it! Niggas better wake the fucc up! I personally think Bush is the Anti-Christ myself, Holla bacc..