As of now [gulf war II] ...

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As of now do u suport the invasion of Iraq?

  • YES!!!!

    Votes: 7 25.9%
  • NO!!!!

    Votes: 16 59.3%
  • I DUNNO!!!!

    Votes: 1 3.7%
  • McleanSNATCH!!!!

    Votes: 3 11.1%

  • Total voters
May 13, 2002
Mcleanhatch said:
yes it was, but please enlighten us as to what your opinion of what it was about is.
That's interesting McRib, I thought I already did that.

oh my, you spent a whole semester on this subject, you are an expert!
How many classes have you taken in college dedicated solely to the study of the Vietnam War? What percentage of Americans have taken a college course dedicated solely to the study of the Veitnam War? 1% maybe?

but here you are wrong.

of course this isnt the truth, it is your opinion!

You have real cute one liners McRib....No facts, No supporting evidence, No valid points. I personally challenge YOU and NITRO and anybody else for that matter to a debate about the Vietnam War. I will personally destroy both of you and anyone else who tries to justify the war or dismiss my points as false. Just make the thread.:dead: :dead: :dead:

Mar 18, 2003
2-0-Sixx said:
The ONLY reason america stepped in was because of the fact that we spent BILLIONS of dollars supporting our ally who was supposed to crush the opposition, which obviously didn't happen.
No I'm pretty sure communism had something to do with it.

2-0-Sixx said:
Why are you defending America’s actions?It is clear as day to almost every American that the Vietnam War was a huge disaster and was something we should have NEVER stuck our noises in, why is it so hard for you to comprehend this?
Are you making shit up as you go along? When the FUCK did I ever say it wasn't a huge disaster; when the fuck did I say entering that country was a good thing; when the fuck have I ever showed any support for that war? You said some shit about America killing it's own troops with agent orange as if it was their objective, from that point on I posted over and over trying to explain to you how that was not what they wanted to do.

2-0-Sixx said:
All of the lives taken during this war lie solely on the hands of America. This is the truth.
I'll have to agree with Mcleanhatch on this one, thats pure bias opinion.

2-0-Sixx said:
That's interesting McRib, I thought I already did that.

2-0-Sixx said:
I personally challenge YOU and NITRO and anybody else for that matter to a debate about the Vietnam War. I will personally destroy both of you and anyone else who tries to justify the war or dismiss my points as false. Just make the thread.
Didn't two leaders arise in Vietnam, one supporting communism, and the other building the Republic of Vietnam?

Was I lied to when I was told that many northern vietnamese left and headed south to live under the ruling of Diem?

Is it true that the United States strongly opposes communism and the spread of it?

Is it true that the northern vietnamese, with the help of two other communist states (China and Russia) invaded and overthrew Diem to spread communism?

:dead: :dead: :dead:

P.S. Don't waiste your time trying to write a story on "what really happened" because I'm not up for debating a subject I don't really stand for.
May 13, 2002
Are you making shit up as you go along? When the FUCK did I ever say it wasn't a huge disaster; when the fuck did I say entering that country was a good thing; when the fuck have I ever showed any support for that war? You said some shit about America killing it's own troops with agent orange as if it was their objective, from that point on I posted over and over trying to explain to you how that was not what they wanted to do.
Go back and read your own posts. Were you not defending the War? It seems you were making excuses, that’s for sure.

Didn't two leaders arise in Vietnam, one supporting communism, and the other building the Republic of Vietnam?
Yes, one of them had the support of the people from North and South Vietnam, the other was an American puppet. The vast majority of the people [north and south] wanted a communist society.

Was I lied to when I was told that many northern vietnamese left and headed south to live under the ruling of Diem?
No, you were not lied to. But you have to investigate just how much “many” truly was, and why they left. You also have to investigate how and why Diem gained power. Diem was PLACED into power by the United States and France to lead South Vietnam. In other words, he was a puppet. There were also several attempts to overthrow Diem, NOT by the communist, but by S. Vietnamese who were aware of who he truly was.
Diem was NOT democratically elected and was NOT a good guy by any means. After his “election” he began arresting his opponents. In a short period of time, approximately 100,000 people were put in prison camps. Communists and socialists were his main targets but journalists, trade-unionists and leaders of religious groups were also arrested. Even children found writing anti-Diem messages on walls were put in prison. Diem also inflicted strong laws against Buddhist. If you know your history Nitro, you will know that over 70% of the populations were Buddhists. Do you remember this picture?

It wasn’t just the “communist” who opposed Diem, the Buddhists, workers, peasants, etc etc etc opposed him. After this suicide, Diem’s government’s response was to arrest thousands of Buddhist monks, many of whom were murdered.
Diem did not have support of the people and America new this and new they had to come up with a new plan. John F. Kennedy ordered Lucien Conein, a CIA operative, to provid a group of South Vietnamese generals with $40,000 to carry out a coup with the promise that US forces would make no attempt to protect Diem. At the beginning of November, 1963, President Diem was overthrown by a military coup. After the generals had promised Diem that he would be allowed to leave the country they changed their mind and killed him.

Is it true that the United States strongly opposes communism and the spread of it?
Yes, they use communism as an excuse to invade, assassinate and rape countries of they’re natural resources. Check the Latin American thread. [It’s cute how you, Mclean and other “patriots” ignored that thread]

Is it true that the northern vietnamese, with the help of two other communist states (China and Russia) invaded and overthrew Diem to spread communism?
No, check above.

P.S. Don't waiste your time trying to write a story on "what really happened" because I'm not up for debating a subject I don't really stand for.
So in other words, your only interested in your interpretation of what happened, right? Just like how you’re not interested in facts and other evidence that shows the Bush administration lied?
Mar 18, 2003
2-0-Sixx said:
Go back and read your own posts. Were you not defending the War? It seems you were making excuses, that’s for sure.
I wasn't defending the war, I was defending the United States from false accusations.

2-0-Sixx said:
No, you were not lied to. But you have to investigate just how much “many” truly was, and why they left. You also have to investigate how and why Diem gained power. Diem was PLACED into power by the United States and France to lead South Vietnam. In other words, he was a puppet. There were also several attempts to overthrow Diem, NOT by the communist, but by S. Vietnamese who were aware of who he truly was.
Diem was NOT democratically elected and was NOT a good guy by any means. After his “election” he began arresting his opponents. In a short period of time, approximately 100,000 people were put in prison camps. Communists and socialists were his main targets but journalists, trade-unionists and leaders of religious groups were also arrested. Even children found writing anti-Diem messages on walls were put in prison. Diem also inflicted strong laws against Buddhist. If you know your history Nitro, you will know that over 70% of the populations were Buddhists.

2-0-Sixx said:
Do you remember this picture?
Of course, classic album cover. When you said "After this suicide" were you talking about that picture? That is a real suicide?!

2-0-Sixx said:
It wasn’t just the “communist” who opposed Diem, the Buddhists, workers, peasants, etc etc etc opposed him. After this suicide, Diem’s government’s response was to arrest thousands of Buddhist monks, many of whom were murdered.
Diem did not have support of the people and America new this and new they had to come up with a new plan. John F. Kennedy ordered Lucien Conein, a CIA operative, to provid a group of South Vietnamese generals with $40,000 to carry out a coup with the promise that US forces would make no attempt to protect Diem. At the beginning of November, 1963, President Diem was overthrown by a military coup. After the generals had promised Diem that he would be allowed to leave the country they changed their mind and killed him.
Interesting... makes sense.

2-0-Sixx said:
Yes, they use communism as an excuse to invade, assassinate and rape countries of they’re natural resources. Check the Latin American thread. [It’s cute how you, Mclean and other “patriots” ignored that thread]
What resources were we after in Vietnam?

I don't remember seeing the post.

2-0-Sixx said:
So in other words, your only interested in your interpretation of what happened, right? Just like how you’re not interested in facts and other evidence that shows the Bush administration lied?
All wrong as usual. I typed that so you wouldn't "argue" my last post as if I were telling you how it is. I asked those questions not to prove you wrong, catch you in a bind, or argue you in any way. I asked those questions because they are what I have learned about Vietnam in my life. You being someone who has studied Vietnam, I asked you to either accept or deny what I asked as being true or not. Im sure the Bush administration has lied on occasion, I have even touched on this in another thread.

"Now we invaded Iraq because it was alleged that they had weapons of mass destruction. You need to ask yourself, is this really the reason, or was it our ticket into the country so that we may liberate Iraq. People are so worried that our reasoning behind the invasion is false, that they have forgotten what we are fighting against. If weapons of mass destruction was our only agenda, I would be on your side pointing the finger at Bush, but there is so much more to it ... I don't care if Bush lied about weapons of mass destruction, I don't care if our own Government lied to him about it, if that's what it takes to get into that country without any resistance from the U.N. or surrounding nations, then I'm all for it. Saddam is an evil, inhumane dictator that needed to be removed by any means necessary." THE GURU
May 13, 2002
I wasn't defending the war, I was defending the United States from false accusations.
And what were these “false accusations”? You never proved me wrong.

Of course, classic album cover. When you said "After this suicide" were you talking about that picture? That is a real suicide?!
Well yeah, it’s a real picture. A Buddhist Monk in protest of Diem poured gasoline over his body and lit himself on fire. It is one of the most famous pictures from our time. You can read a little about the history of the Buddhist suicides here.

What resources were we after in Vietnam?
Well, Vietnam was a little different then other “communist” countries. As I explained before, America felt obligated to join the war. You have to remember we were pumping in billions of dollars a year supporting France, trying to help them crush the Vietnamese people. Eventually, in the 1950’s [Eisenhower], America sent Special Forces to train French troops, then we sent Special Forces to do “special missions” which all failed miserably. We helped fund and “insert” the puppet regime in South Vietnam. So, America had invested a lot into this “project.”

I don't remember seeing the post.
Latin America Thread

I asked those questions because they are what I have learned about Vietnam in my life. You being someone who has studied Vietnam, I asked you to either accept or deny what I asked as being true or not. Im sure the Bush administration has lied on occasion, I have even touched on this in another thread.
Jul 6, 2002
America never tortured its citizens?!?

already dead. said:
Solo when did the US Govt. gas and torture its own people? Of this I am not familiar.
I guess y'all are too yung to remember the 1960's and the Civil Rights movements in America...

Police gassed and tourtured black folx with firehoses in B'Ham...

Shot and killed folx walking over the Edmund Pettus bridge in the Selma to Montgomery March in order to get the right to vote...

Or how about all of the riots that ensued in the black ghettoes across America in the 60's? Starting in Trenton, NJ spreading to NY, CLeveland, Chicago and all the way to Watts in Califas???
Mar 18, 2003
Re: America never tortured its citizens?!?

FoeTwin said:
I guess y'all are too yung to remember the 1960's and the Civil Rights movements in America...

Police gassed and tourtured black folx with firehoses in B'Ham...

Shot and killed folx walking over the Edmund Pettus bridge in the Selma to Montgomery March in order to get the right to vote...

Or how about all of the riots that ensued in the black ghettoes across America in the 60's? Starting in Trenton, NJ spreading to NY, CLeveland, Chicago and all the way to Watts in Califas???
If we were under the same presidency or "ruling" that supported and partook in those incidents, then I would support an invasion or an attack against our own government. That is the major difference here, Saddam remained in power throughout everything he did to his country up until we did something about it.