Are Trojan Condom commercials a SIN?

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Sicc OG
Oct 2, 2002
miggidy said:
How is that????

How do you know that? Dogs seem to wanna get some every minute they see a female in heat. Fuckers even go as far as humpin people's legs, and you're tellin me they're tryin to reproduce by humpin your leg????
Dogs are an example but it appears just about every species finds pleasure in sex.

This doesn't make sense since this boy would get pussy from a hoe if need be. How is that different than the chicks in porn?
well, you said you can sometimes get lucky with sex before marraige but it can often go bad., then you said case and point, which means you will show a case that backs that up, but you didn't. you said "give me an example as to why holdin out on sex until a marriage is a "bad" thing? "

therefore, you have no case nor point.

as for humans being a few of the only animals in the world that enjoy it, it is scientifically proven. the majority of animals in this world do not take pleasure in sex.

and it does makes sense. read it again. that is how not having sex before marraige CAN be bad. not saying it happens all the time, but it has and can happen. psychologically, watching porn has an effect on how you treat women. documented cases on this as well.

truth is, your whole post is pointless and just a waste of space on this board.


Sicc OG
Oct 2, 2002
AdolfOliverBush said:
That is true. But what separates humans from all other animal species is our capability of rational thought. Animals, such as dogs, have sex because it is instinctive.

My belief, which you and many others may not share, is that God created us with rational thought, as I said, and therefore holds us to a higher standard. Some people work hard to live up to these standards, others take the easy way out and don't want to do it. The choices that you make are up to you, whether it is sex or anything else. God or anyone else is not going to intervene in most cases.
so god created people with rational thought, but not enough rationality to understand who god really is? believing in god is irrational. no way getting around that. religion is beliefs... beliefs are the absence of rational thought.
Jul 24, 2002
shep said:
well, you said you can sometimes get lucky with sex before marraige but it can often go bad., then you said case and point, which means you will show a case that backs that up, but you didn't. you said "give me an example as to why holdin out on sex until a marriage is a "bad" thing? "

therefore, you have no case nor point.

as for humans being a few of the only animals in the world that enjoy it, it is scientifically proven. the majority of animals in this world do not take pleasure in sex.
That was my version of case and point, there is no bad side affect to holdin out on sex.

shep said:

and it does makes sense. read it again. that is how not having sex before marraige CAN be bad. not saying it happens all the time, but it has and can happen. psychologically, watching porn has an effect on how you treat women. documented cases on this as well.
Not every virgin watches porn.
Virgin females don't.
Maybe some virgin guys do but it won't be long until they lose their virginity. Porn is only a gateway to sex....


Sicc OG
Oct 2, 2002
miggidy said:
That was my version of case and point, there is no bad side affect to holdin out on sex.

Not every virgin watches porn.
Virgin females don't.
Maybe some virgin guys do but it won't be long until they lose their virginity. Porn is only a gateway to sex....
are you serious? i know or have known several virgins who have watched porn. virgin females don't? please... that is the most rediculous thing i have ever read in my entire life. where do you come up with this shit.
Jul 24, 2002
shep said:
are you serious? i know or have known several virgins who have watched porn. virgin females don't? please... that is the most rediculous thing i have ever read in my entire life. where do you come up with this shit.
Ok so maybe a few watch it?
People are young and will do certain things that other people won't. Thing is, virgin or not virgin, teens are gonna watch porn anyway. Am I right?

The problem that I have with what you said is that you are implying that virgins are more likely to watch porn.
Which is far from the truth....
Just about every virgin female I've known avoids sex like the plague whether it's porn or just a conversation....


Sicc OG
Oct 2, 2002
miggidy said:
Ok so maybe a few watch it?
People are young and will do certain things that other people won't. Thing is, virgin or not virgin, teens are gonna watch porn anyway. Am I right?

The problem that I have with what you said is that you are implying that virgins are more likely to watch porn.
Which is far from the truth....
Just about every virgin female I've known avoids sex like the plague whether it's porn or just a conversation....
i did not imply that at all. i was merely stating that virgins do watch porn and the consequences that may arise to anyone who watches porn.
May 12, 2002
Haha, getting carded and just get head instead LMAO

Good argurments on this. Id say i agree the most with the idea that tempataion is a sin, and it seems to me that a comercail like that is only evil in nature. I do agree its best to educate the kids tho,
We obviosly realize that so many people SIN, we need to educate them so they dont get a deadly STD....
May 6, 2002
what about the commercials I hear everyday on the way to school about the "after morning pill"? I aint got time to speak on it now cuz I'm goin to POWER HOUR at the bar.
ps miggidy keep schollin these youngins on REALITY.
Sep 13, 2002
how is it a sin?????

if the world started with adam and eve who married them???? nobody so they fucked while no married.


i had sex with hella females for i met my wife. and we di the damm thang for we got married.

why ima marry someone and then find out after in bed we dont click??????

some people are just stupid for that shit. go ahead though if thats your thing.
May 12, 2002
^ hahaa

POWER HOUR AT THE BAR if you drink to intoxication (like i would) is a sin :)

Yeah the morning after pill is a good one. A sin is the same all around id say tho. Good addition to the topic!
Sep 13, 2002


i just think its funny though. some dude gonna marry a chick who never had dick. then she gonna be like oh shit im a lesbian i dont like your dick or any dick.

or shell marry dude and his dick will be 2 inches long. or dude will marry a chick and then find out she got the nastiest harriest pussy ever.

that shit aint happaning. i love my wife always will were perfect for each tother. we found that out before we got married.