all this shit is hard to reply to, for one thing its' hard to know what is genuine feedback, and what it just people trying to be straight up haters, and what is people just clowning and having fun.
a lot of this entire thread is irrelevent because of this, because some people are just tryin to attack me personally, which is gay, then some people are just making fun of the artwork, which is fucked up, and some people are really trying to give feedback, which i can understand and appreciate.
this post lost all of it's credibility because of people acting this way. this is gonna be a big album, and it's some childish shit to see how people are acting about the new cover. people off the internet who have seen it, love it, and people who are involved with the album love it.
let me see if i can remember some of the technical stuff yall brought up. why are the heads so big? well the heads are the exact same size as they were on the first original cover, they're just not going over the top of each other now, they are up toward the top and side by side. why is it just the heads and no body? well it's hard because they are obviously two different pictures taken at two different times in two different times of day and light. they were wearing different clothing, different colors, and stuff that wouldn't look right for somethin that is supposed to represent them being locked up in jail. I didn't even want to have AP wearing the Yankees hat on the cover, cuz he aint got no hat in jail, hus had chains on n shit, I'm tryin to keep it real to the concept. Plus another thing is the angles of the pictures were really different, i had to move them a lot to get them side by side. And I have a question for those that keep asking why is it just the heads, have yall never seen a movie or DVD cover? most of them are just the heads of the actors with a scene or some other stuff going on down at the bottom, nobody complains about that.
I aint one to complain, and I can get a laugh out of a lot of stuff, and I can laugh at myself if it's in good fun, but I don't think the shit is funny with people taking the cover and drawing on it, or adding cartoons to it. Yall asking is that disrespectful? YES it is disrespectful. How do you think AP and Hus would feel about that, having their pictures replaced by some fuckin cartoons, that shit aint funny, it's disrespecting everything that this album stands for. Like I said I love to have fun and I can joke about shit all day long, but that shit aint funny. Some people just got too much time on their hands.
For those that did leave genuine feedback, thank you. Pick up the album in APRIL