Good lookin folks....and thanks for the hospitality Woodie.....
lol@dude clownin tanks 13 posts a day....shit i do more than that in two hours some days....its nuttin....i mean look how many i got already on this new name......
@vinn....ive said a lot a shit and i aint gonna bother investigating exactly why i got banned but i do have an idea that it was Sick Wid It the mod of the Studio forum.....he supposedly some big shit producer or somethin but i dunno who he is in real life....he acts like he knows it all but instead of helpin folks wit thier studio questions he likes to ridicule em and make em feel dumb for asking......recently somone was askin me some questions about fruity loops and he made dude feel dumb i guess cuz dude asked me how to reach me so he could ask me more.....i simply tol him that it was nuttin wrong wit him askin in thier cuz thas what the forum was for.....thas when Sick Wid It started power trippin, deletin my posts, loccin threads. and sendin me PMs tellin me that i aint gonna tell no one what to do in HIS swears he owns the i tol him ta fucc off basically cuz wasnt nuttin wrong wit what i he twisted up an old post of mine from damn near a year ago and sent it to Nemo to make it seem like i said it recently and that I was talkin shit about him.....Nemo had me call him to talk about it cuz he said he didnt jus wanna ban me witout hearing my side.....after we talked for a minute he agreed that i was right....its a forum for askin questions no reason to get all upset about he tol me i wasnt banned.....Sick Wid It continued to PM me talkin shit tellin me im outta my league and i dont know shit and im a nobody....blah blah hes GOD....lmfao....fucc da Devil.....anyways so yeah he kept pm'n me wit that type a shit (guess GOD had nuttin more important to do) and so i talked shit for a minute till he filled my PMs up and i left it alone cuz i was tired of day i come to log on and im banned....i didnt even bother to ask nemo i jus made this new name....fucc it im still here right???? so yeah im assuming thas what it could be that or maybe the foos from BART gettin all upset about me tryin ta call Mista Cane out to the valley to see me on some real life shit for talkin sideways....but either way its someone actin gay over some bullshit.....its funny how quicc they are to ban me for this but they let these lil phony ass scraps make a million names and flood this forum wit mindless shit talk and it takes months to ban them.....guess im more of a that should sum it up pretty much.....
im a call you tommorow LKD.....
holla at me Murda......