@ anyone rep'n 666 on here

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May 2, 2002
Ima make up a reiligion where you can do whatever the fuck you want, just like whoever came up with all these rules for stanists. But for real, every reilgion has rules. If you don't want to be bound by rules just be an atheist. Rather than worshipping some evil shit, for whatever that I can't figure out.

DJ Mark 7

Jul 18, 1977
Well STILL no one has answered the question...All they've said is what Christianity is NOT...Like D-Style said, if u don't believe in "good and evil" higher beings, then why NOT just be an athiest? Why worship Satan? Cause if u believe in Satan then you have to believe in a GOD...and WHY would you want to worship something EVIL instead of something GOOD...I just don't get it and there doesn't seem to be a legitimate reason for it. And you obviously have to have the same "blind faith" to believe in Satan as u do if you're a christian...

Please speak on it!
Jun 11, 2002
i just wanted to say i heard adr on sactown radio .and that is the tightest shit i heard in a long time.i will be gettin that cd.as for the religous shit i never believed in shit cause everybodies fucked up one way or another but it seems the most religous muthafucka is fucked up the most.did that make sense? fuck it
May 24, 2002
i hate thos holy rollers the most, my neighbor is more religous then anyone i have ever met and the thing i hate about her is she trys to preach to me..... i listen to horrorcore music and i am allways bumping some violent satanic rap when i am in my boys car and she has the nerve to walk up to us and start yelling and shit about how where going to hell and all this stupid crap
Jul 6, 2002
scorpio is leaving MARS

Mars said:
I am the devil.
This Is true,,Aries: God Of War is comming closer to the earth than any time in our history..Beware,,ohh and Aries Is a Good Person Sign,,designed to bring God's Wrath to the evil of the inner Beast Or "666" Its the Number of man,,not Fish, not Dog, not monkey,,MAN. ohh and MARS,,you have every planet in the zodiac inbedded into your cosmic makeup, not just mars,,thats popostorus, You could not otherwise exist without the rest of our collective mathmatical equasion,,But that sign would be how you appear, with your rising and moon, of course. So Know that even though that is 1 part of you that is not ALL of you and you must give God Control over your beast,,or it will devour you,,have a nice day:)
May 8, 2002
People turn to satanism because they dont see Christianity as being good they see it as being evil and in many cases contradictory. People have done some fucked up things in the name of christianity before so they see it as being evil, they turn to satanism as being good and more accepting of people. Its not at all a case of people wanting to be EVIL its a case of people realizing that christianity is bullshit, and just a way for abunch of rich people to become even richer.

Im not a satan worshiper and im not a christian i believe in God but i dont need a religion to tell me what to do to make him accept me, i know in my heart what the right thing to do is and i know that if there is a god he will accept me for that. The main point is christianity DOES NOT represent everything good, and satanism DOES NOT represent everything bad.
Apr 25, 2002
i've actually checked out a few websites on satanism - specifically about lavey and the church of satan/satanic bible (not pro-satanist, but more objective, informational websites)....what alot of them were saying was that lavey created the church of satan/bible as a ploy for money. he didn't believe in any of it, and alot of it was nonsense - all he cared about was the money. has anyone else heard/read anything like this before?