Originally posted by Mr. D-Sane "No Gimmiks, No Image, Straight Lyriks"......coming sooner than 2003. lol
i was lmao@that! hahaha!
Looks like a tight schedule...like i was sayin, no beef meant by my questions, i was just curious! :classic: Every time you beef with Syko/BD/etc, you always ramble (or as i like to call it, "elaborate extensively") and talk about how stupid people are and what projects you're about to get done...but an organized format is much better!
Seriously though...Kas, 'Cal, YV, LoR...S.P. thrown in there...and knowing/guessing (ok ok, mostly guessing) how you do, those last 4 are probably comin NEXT YEAR, along with who knows what else!
Not like you need me tellin you this...but its nice to see your label back on the right path...Cash Money Records went through the SAME EXACT THING (MAJOR roster releases & restructuring, squabbles, etc)...all they kept was a 15 year old game spitter named "BG" (we all know where he went!)...and 3 years later, they got that 30+ million dollar distribution deal....so who knows!!
<---Lookin forward to startin his SLR collection... onE