smokin that weed could of brought it on...I had a co-worker who had anxiety problems in the past and he had mentioned that when he smoked weed that he would get pretty bad anxiety attacks....I didnt believe dude until i heard one of my cousins were going through the same shit, and he was a constant smoker. He said that he started seeing spots or some shit, and started to feel like he was dying, so he laid down and went to sleep. That shit kept happening to him til he also went to the dr. and it was anxiety. I i had the same shit b4 recently a couple of months ago b4 my son was born. I just had this feeling of dying and the tingly feeling u were talking about, went to the dr. he checked my vitals, blood sugar, and took blood tests....Everything was fine, he gave me a perscription of some Xanax. Took a pill when when i had that same feeling and it went away within 30 min or so. I was dealing with a lot of issues a few months back. Job layoffs, child being born (didnt want nothing to be wrong with him), for the 1st time fear of death, bills, bills, and did i mention bills, and of course this bullshit ass mortgage! I had a few attacks after that episode when i took the pill but i decided to try and fight them off mentally, cuz i couldnt belive my body could have that kind of reaction to stress, when i have been far stressed b4 with more serious bullshit. I still have a full perscription of xanax minus 3 pills, and havent had another attack in months...Hopefully it'll never happen again; that shit sucked big time!!!!!!