2-0-Sixx said:
How you made these conclusions is beyond me. Canada is almost a 2nd home to me. I go there all the time. Vancouver is like Seattle in many ways and there is nothing to fear or to be paranoid about. If I wanted I could easily live and adjust there without difficulty.
But you’re missing my straightforward point. This is my home. I’d rather stay here and help change it than leave. You can think of African Americans struggling for civil rights. Plenty of people told them to go back to Africa or elsewhere but they stayed because this is their home. During the Vietnam War the anti-war activists were told the same thing – move to communist Cuba or Vietnam. Get the fuck out of you don’t like the war. They didn’t leave, because once again, this is their home too. You can think of the Bolsheviks in Russia who lived under the oppressive Tsarists and were imprisoned and killed for over 25 years before they gained any real power. Why? Because that was their home.
You shouldn’t simply leave because you don’t agree with your current government. That’s almost a cowardly thing to do, imo. I think you should understand this, being that you’re from the NW and seem to have a lot of pride about your home town. If the “faggoty liberals” seized power, would you move? Maybe you would, maybe you wouldn’t but that’s not me comrade.
Again, I stress:
only for a few years. -- That you would be so defiant in the face of even having the POSSIBILITY of settling somewhere else....IMO, It does not show someone with perseverance, but rather someone that is afraid.
You are surely someone who is concerned with Immigrant rights, and the unfair treatment of non-citizens in this country. It is not too much of a stretch to believe that, as bad as you think immigrants to the US have it, you yourself know that leaving to another country, finding a job, etc.,
would not be as pleasant as someone coming here to the States and doing the same.
This is just silly. Yes, I’ve thought of moving abroad but again you fail to realize what my home means to me. Unlike you I have friends and family, people I love and who love me. I have an obligation to them and my home. I can’t simply pack my bags and leave all the ones I love because I’m not happy with our current government. Perhaps a loner like you can drop everything and move to Mexico for a while and no one will give a fuck. Not me comrade.
Of course living abroad for only a couple years is a different story and something I would love to do one day.
So I move for 4 months, and all of the sudden I am a "loner". That is a good one, I like that. As if its better and more healthy to stick around, perpetually, and be a burden, and be 100% psychologically, emotionally and even partially financially dependent on your family and friends. And then after that, you talk about that doing what I did is something you "would love to do!" Talk about funny-style.
I am not saying to leave
because of your unhappiness with the Gov't (id est, the ONLY reason). I am saying, there is no reason it cannot be a perfectly viable
addition to the list of reasons for living abroad.
You spoke earlier of Black people going to Africa. For them (us) to all sell their (our) homes, pack up every belonging and do so, would have been pure ignorance. What would not be ignorance is to look into any and every avenue to actually
be able to go to Africa and see how things are. Perhaps even pick up a tribal language or Swahili/Xhosa/Twi or similar.
Please do not lump me in the same category as the conspiracy theorists.
You are
of them. They aspire to be you, but don't know how.
Why, simply because I am not willing to move abroad? That is idiotic.
For many reasons. Namely: You express interest in moving abroad...and you leave it at that. You don't even quickly mention a country you're interested in, a job, etc. You add nothing. You either don't have or don't exercise that ability to think and answer ahead of others responding and asking the question.
You are of those who speak of "Republicrats", yet, you support parties and candidates that are not and cannot be viable. Why? I have no clue. What you should be doing is joining the Democratic party (in some capacity), and pushing HARD...
HARD for workers' rights, BUT
within the framework of this Judeo-Christian society.
I try to make change. I don’t simply sit at home and hope and wish things change, I do my part, and I’m active in my community. I’ve stated numerous times on this board what I do outside of work - I’m apart of a Socialist organization, write in a newspaper, organize rallies/marches/speak-outs/study groups/meetings, etc. Whether or not I’m making a big impact isn’t important either – the point is at least I’m trying. And this is something you should respect. You’ve always condemned people for not doing shit and being “faggoty whining liberals” or whatever. Not me comrade. I dedicate a lot of time to the shit I believe in.
*Faggy...not Faggoty. Faggoty is purely mean-spirited. Faggy at the least has a tinge of humor.
You are definitely making change. But not like you could be. A Socialist Party in the united states, in the NorthWest, is not going to be viable, period. It is not going to happen. It will not happen. And it is a waste of time to contribute energy towards its cause.
You MUST splinter the Democratic and Republican parties into 3 parties before Socialists will have ANY CHANCE IN HELL of even BECOMING a 4th party. Even then, their numbers would be incredibly low, and not enough to win Governorships or Senate Seats; only House, and State House/Senate seats.
Case in point: You ought to live in Cuba for a few years. You ought to move around, and see how the people are. You ought to interact with them. You ought to learn Spanish and learn to use it well. You ought to be around these people, and understand them, and learn how they REALLY VIEW this form of Communism,
regardless of whether or not you view this strand as "real" Communism or not.
Do you reject this analysis, and for what reason? Why would you fear Cuba? Is the reason less sinister, such as you just cannot afford it, don't want to go back to school and have to take out student loans to do it, etc.? Do you only want to move there if you can afford to be there for several years, as opposed to only a few months? Do you have a criminal record that makes it hard for you to go abroad? Do you have a disability that prevents you from learning foreign languages, and you would be forced to walk around speaking English the whole time? (And don't think on this last one I'm being an asshole. As someone who has taken, to date, 18 language classes....I see people drop like flies out of the 101's and 102's.)
I will tell you right now, I fear the shit out of Tanzania (and all Sub-Saharan Africa). It is probably not safe for me to go there. But I'll be damned if i haven't looked for some way to go there anyways. Senegal, Tanzania, Cote D'Ivoire...I've checked into all of these. Every one is
possible. Now what matters is, if i'll have the guts to leave home (again) and go check Africa out, without having 35 of my closest friends and family with me to hold my hand and tell me i'm special.