If people want to use your music then it has value. If it has value then you have a product that can make money as long as you believe in that value and don't let yourself get suckered.
This is applicable to ANY business where product is being sold. In addition, I suggest to not become
emotionally attached to the product.
People who like to give their work away get treated in the same way a broad that likes to suck dick does.. Everyone uses them until they finally realize they're just getting played.
Some never realize it.
About "exposure"... What good is having a verse from a big name rapper if you don't have the resources to actually do anything with it? Well hey, at least you got a verse from that big name rapper I guess but I don't know anyone who can pay their house note with bragging rights.
Good point, but I disagree slightly. If you are a nobody and someone with some type of cred is getting down on your project, that pushes you a bit more out there than not having anyone. Why? Name face recognition and people are more prone to like or listen to someone they have already heard instead of listening to someone they have never heard. However, if you don't have the resources to properly market and promote the fact that the person IS on the album, it won't have the desired effect.
Now as far as trading beats is concerned don't get in the habit of doing it, but you should do it when if you have to. A situation I have done this in is usually when the rapper, who rapped about all this shit, had songs on the radio, maybe a vid here and there, actually had no money and lived a lie. But see, the general public doesn't see this side of rappers, so if it is a beat you had trouble selling in the past, and he wants it even though he is flat broke, trade that shit and move on.
Even when I was new to the industry I was still going into meetings with the mentality that I'm here to do real business, no fucking around and no dumb bullshit. They might have had more money and status at the time but we're sitting at this table as equals as far as I'm concerned. I have something you want, you have something I want, period.
I guess I should point the importance of professionalism too. Don't go into meetings and the first thing you do is kick up your feet or start rolling a blunt. I think someone else mentioned in a previous post to save the partying for after the business is done.
Fuck the partying altogether. Move on to the next business venture and get that bread. Keep getting the money and branching out into other business ventures. Partying, tricking your money with bitches, drugs, drank, etc will do two things:
1. Keep money OUT of your pockets.
2. Keep you blinded from what you are supposed to be doing (which actually causes #1