Anybody ever sell shit on Craigslist?

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Long live the KING!!!!
May 7, 2002
i sold this exercise maching on the internet and this lady sent me an email exactly like the ones you posted, and i sent her my addy and number...i never go the money order she supposedly sent, so i sold it to someone else and like a week later she called me through some internet service where she types and they tell me what she says then i respond wierd shit....she was asking if i got her money order and insisting that she sent it, like if she expected me to give her the money she never sent, i was like helllll no your ass didnt send no money and hung up.....scam scam careful cus if its a large amount people are slick enough to make copies and all kinds a shit then take you to court to get money they never even sent...
You should have kept the exercise machine you fat bitch.