As an adult and since ever having a job, I can proudly say I have never asked anyone for money. If I don't have money, that ain't anyone else's problem, but mine.
I don't give a fuck, it's all inexcuseable to me and a cheap way out. I don't give a fuck if you need money to fix your car, rent,etc... That's all avoidable with a bit of smart spending. There's something called a savings. Always prepare for the worst.
Everyone that has asked me for money, tends to have poor spending habits in some way or another. A good friend of mine has asked me for money a couple of times. He pays me back usually within atleast a week, but the bottomline he still makes poor spending choices. He just buys the dumbest shit sometimes. He's one of those guys that buys a lot of shit on craigslist/eBay as a collector/hobbyist, keeps it for a bit, then sells it back when he realizes it's pointless. It's all avoidable.