Any1 seen the girl next door(2007)??? It's disturbing....

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Mar 16, 2005
they could have used a 13+ actress as the movie didnt really show anything, much less the "graphic" parts there would have been nothing wrong using an actress around that age, or someone who looks younger. Someone like dakota fanning for example.....of course so would have been out of budget but you get the jist.

much like reese witherspoon in freeway, sure she was 20 or so but she passed for 16 easy, same as drew berrymore in FAR FROM HOME she was like 14 in that movie and it has her almost get raped etc, and when she was under 18 she played younger and showed just as much in Poison Ivy as the girl in girl next door.

I'm not saying they should have casted younger and shown more, but what im saying is the girl was way too old for as little as they showed of what actually happened. they could have shown way more skin/torture since she was over 18, bad move on directors part. either use younger and get more reaction, or use older more graphic and get reaction. I mean hell, when the little sister gets spanked you see just as much (underwear etc...) and she was what under 10 lol get my point???

reading the book before the movie, yes the actress was way out of cast but eh just me i guess.
also the aunt, I dont know I didnt care for her either, i had in my mind something like a thinner kathy bates, or along the lines of what charlize theron looked like in Monster, etc...


Oct 12, 2004
Of course books are better than movies... they leave more to the imagination of the reader. To be honest tho, I think the story line was there to the fullest. I dunno if I coulda handled anymore torture, that shit was horrible. Maybe you like that kinda stuff, but I got the picture just the way it was and I'm kind of glad they didn't go into more detail because I honestly don't know how much more I could have handled. That shit was sad and totally graphic enough to get the point across IMO.
Mar 16, 2005
Of course books are better than movies... they leave more to the imagination of the reader. To be honest tho, I think the story line was there to the fullest. I dunno if I coulda handled anymore torture, that shit was horrible. Maybe you like that kinda stuff, but I got the picture just the way it was and I'm kind of glad they didn't go into more detail because I honestly don't know how much more I could have handled. That shit was sad and totally graphic enough to get the point across IMO.

I agree it could have been enough torture etc for someone who didnt read the book, but going into the movie having already read the book a few times prior it did not do justice is all im saying.


Oct 12, 2004
I agree it could have been enough torture etc for someone who didnt read the book, but going into the movie having already read the book a few times prior it did not do justice is all im saying.
Yeah, my bf is the same way always claming the books are better than the movies, which is true in most cases, I too agree. But on the realness... wheather the girl was 13 or 20... nobody deserves that kinda treatment. Age means very little when it comes to that kind of abuse. I have yet to read the book but if its as bad as you make it sound meaning more graphic than the movie, I dunno if I want to =/ I get pretty emo when it comes to these kinda subjects/things.

I read Roger Dean Kaisers book "Orphan" a long time ago and this movie totally reminded me of that poor guy. I think he wrote two more follow up books too... "Orphan" explains how he became an orphan and the abuse (physical and sexual) he went through in his younger years... then he wrote another book about his teen years and one as an adult too, talking about how his early life and abuse as an orphan affected him throughout his life. Pretty sad story :( But that head bitch at the Orphanage that did most of the abuse totally reminded me of this cunt Ruth, that fuckin' bitch.
Mar 16, 2005
Yeah, my bf is the same way always claming the books are better than the movies, which is true in most cases, I too agree. But on the realness... wheather the girl was 13 or 20... nobody deserves that kinda treatment. Age means very little when it comes to that kind of abuse. I have yet to read the book but if its as bad as you make it sound meaning more graphic than the movie, I dunno if I want to =/ I get pretty emo when it comes to these kinda subjects/things.

I read Roger Dean Kaisers book "Orphan" a long time ago and this movie totally reminded me of that poor guy. I think he wrote two more follow up books too... "Orphan" explains how he became an orphan and the abuse (physical and sexual) he went through in his younger years... then he wrote another book about his teen years and one as an adult too, talking about how his early life and abuse as an orphan affected him throughout his life. Pretty sad story :( But that head bitch at the Orphanage that did most of the abuse totally reminded me of this cunt Ruth, that fuckin' bitch.
dont read the book then. lol