Any predictions for the next four years?

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May 13, 2002
Now that Bush doesn’t have to worry about a campaign and being reelected, what will Bush do that he couldn’t afford to do his first term?

We know Fullujuh and other similar cities in Iraq will be attacked hard and casualties will be high.

What else does Bu$hCo. Have up their sleeves?

On a positive note of the bush reelection, the “leftist” groups throughout America can now once again join forces and fight the Occupation of Iraq, the War on Terrorism and other important issues. For the last 1-2 years, many of these leftist groups who foolishly took the “anybody but bush” stance and unconditionally supported Kerry, remained for the most part, completely silent. The leftist groups that remained on the streets, protesting and fighting the war in Iraq, did so with little or no support from other organizations. Hopefully, the disappointment of Kerry’s loss will quickly turn into anger and encourage the people to go back to the streets and continue the fight and struggle.
Jul 10, 2002
I'm puttin' my money on Scalia taking over the Cheif pos. once Reinquist dies, we're f**ked, this whole sh*t makes me sick to my stomach. I don't think we can comprehend how excellerated the Bush train is gonna run us, F**K, F**K, F**K!!!

We're doomed!


Sicc OG
Jul 2, 2002
^^^^2-0-Sixx, nothing will be done. We as sheep will just continue to follow thy herder!!!! N.W.O. Bitchez get ready every nation operate under one rule.......Draft coming back, good possibility....Imagine what other countries think of us now!!!! All these lies and death for mans greed and we re elected Hitler.....Everybody just continue to make corporate amerikkka richer, by going to our filthy jobs daily....Spending money you earn from target or wherever you work and spending it at the mall.....we are corporate trading instruments nothing else.....keep barley getting by and hopeing for the amerkkkan dream, whatever that is......we should be in the streets right NOW GOD DAMMIT....when we do go to the streats and revolt, they are going to shut the power off and cut all running water, trying to controll de sense a tize yourself it caveman style like back in the day.....all this modern tech has got us spoiled lazy and dependent on it........when they take it away becuase we revolt, we will be ready......Bury your guns and ammo in the backyard or we can run to them when the time comes.........spilling politcal and hi archy blood in the streets.....Revaltions is here and has been here.................................................................................WHERE ARE THE PANTHERS WHEN YOU NEED THEM......OH YEAH THEY KILL THEM AND INFEST THIER TURFS WITH DRUGS NEVER SEEN BEFORE..........HYPE UP EAST AND WEST COAST SHIT TO KILL A SOILDER TRYING TO START SOME REAL SHIT..................What are you people ready to DO.........!
Apr 25, 2002
They feel that got their mandate now, if they didn't think that before, imagine how fucked things are going to be now!

America disserves what it got. You asked for it, you got it, now live with it cuz we all seriously know you won't fight for it, shit you won't even vote for it.

Any kind of broad protest or opposition movement is far fetched at best. The coalitions that developed to oppose the start of the war dwindled once the war started as if Bush and Co would listen to a bunch of us commies and hippies anyway. Street puppets and bongo drums do nothing to make your position more popular. Then those coalitions further dwindled as people became focused on some anyone but bush bullshit. I would love for it to happen and i'll be out helping it happen, but realistically, it being as big as it could have been or as effective as people in a refer induced haze dream it will be is truly not going to happen.

America is going down. Sure it was bound to be overtaken by an up and comer in overall power soon, but crackhead will hasten the process. Sure some of you may find some amusement in this, but just remember, you live here!

Yes. you all might not realize it yet but the rest of the world has just been shown for once and for all that america is not worth looking up to any more. (i'm not saying the country was perfect for the last 50 years, i'm talking about perception - how the rest of the world thought about it, and how it thought about itself.) It was a "good" 50 years while it lasted, but america is clearly no longer super modern or 'free' or progressive or any of the things the world has believed about it since world war two.

It has been unmasked as a cruel, clumsy, outdated, disintegrating country of unbelievably backward, gullible and poorly educated religious maniacs, with a view of the world straight out of the 1600s. oops. It's over. Start looking toward some other country to be the Next Big Thing. the US just blew it.

That's a point most american's dont realize (read stupid red states, McDirtySnatch, etc). America's position in the world isn't just a byproduct of military and economic strength, it was also america''s positions on social issues it's lead in scientific research and cultural power. America has just confirmed to the world that it wants to retreat to a mythical past. WE are about to relive the 1920's.

Organized labor will take serious hits in the next four years further voiding their effectiveness and making them nothing more than PAC's that require workers to pay into them yet provide no real service.

Latin America will get the whip cracked on it. The Cuban offensive will begin.

Syria might just get rolled over if they see they are going to be stuck in the mud in Iraq (see Laos, Cambodia style).

I'm suprised i had any faith in this country left brainwashed into me, that's all gotta be gone now though.

Side note:
*wonders how many of the missouri people voted for dude just because his last name was Blunt* :confused:
May 13, 2002
ColdBlooded said:
Any kind of broad protest or opposition movement is far fetched at best. The coalitions that developed to oppose the start of the war dwindled once the war started as if Bush and Co would listen to a bunch of us commies and hippies anyway. Street puppets and bongo drums do nothing to make your position more popular. Then those coalitions further dwindled as people became focused on some anyone but bush bullshit. I would love for it to happen and i'll be out helping it happen, but realistically, it being as big as it could have been or as effective as people in a refer induced haze dream it will be is truly not going to happen.
Not necessarily. Remember, during the Vietnam war opposition really didn't build up until after the mid 60's, around '67, '68. I think if there were to be a draft (which I still feel is very unlikely) then you better believe the anti-war movement will grow dramatically in size.

The anti-war movement was huge before the Iraq war even started. Something like 20 Million protesters in America. You're exactly right though, the anti-war movement dwindled because of the support for Kerry. All the anti-war groups who naively supported Kerry would not and did not carry on the anti-war movement, but now since Bush is here for 4 more years, these groups will once again be heard. More and more body bags will be sent home, more troops will oppose being in Iraq and refuse to fight (which has already started), other social factors will be relevant, such as the economy, patriot act etc. I’m slightly optimistic that things will really pick up…


Sicc OG
Sep 9, 2003
2-0-Sixx said:
So, the question is then-- what will everyone do about it? Sit at home and say "FUUUUUUCK" or, if some radical changes do occur like mark 7 mentioned, a draft, will you try and do something about it?
may sound silly to some of yall but im already studyin up on my local elected officals and in 2 years im gonna work a campaine with the most liberal person i can find.
i saved the donation sheets from that site i posted earlier so i can give him or her all the addys of people in my area that donated last time to the demo party. i have a million great radio ad ideas. and in 2 years ill know every thing their is to know about my local political sceen.


Sicc OG
Sep 9, 2003

i wish i could write out my arrguments on issues like that. all the things he talks about i think about every night but for whatever reason im not able to exspress them threw writing. i can verbaly put on an arrgument easily to make my points and hammer home my views. but when i get behind this fuckin key board i cant do it.

probley cause i cant spell and shit


Sep 29, 2002
what i see in the next 4

1) a draft,

2) abortions rights repealed in some of the south,

3) another terrorist attack in america,

4) loki setting up shop in canada & mexico...

for starters. oh yeah, & a major offensive to impeach bush.
he did, after all, lie under oath just like clinton. what remains
to be seen is who's got the balls to go after frat-boy.

& then there's cheney for 2008. the four years the republican
party just spent securing their infrasturcture to win this election?
they gonna focus that now on cheney. & you thought buh was bad....

rally up your family & a pocketfull of shells.


Sicc OG
Sep 9, 2003
loki said:
what i see in the next 4

1) a draft,

2) abortions rights repealed in some of the south,

3) another terrorist attack in america,

4) loki setting up shop in canada & mexico...

for starters. oh yeah, & a major offensive to impeach bush.
he did, after all, lie under oath just like clinton. what remains
to be seen is who's got the balls to go after frat-boy.

& then there's cheney for 2008. the four years the republican
party just spent securing their infrasturcture to win this election?
they gonna focus that now on cheney. & you thought buh was bad....

rally up your family & a pocketfull of shells.
cheney will never run his heart wont allow it. he has to many medical problems. plus whens all said and done he will have had 8 years to set up the rules and condistions that favor his bussiness intrest.

2008 hes goin back to the private sector to bank a few hundrent million threw loopholes and bullshit bills hes passed.

their gonna run a more centered cat in 2008.
Apr 25, 2002
loki said:
a major offensive to impeach bush.
he did, after all, lie under oath just like clinton. what remains
to be seen is who's got the balls to go after frat-boy.

Welcome to the GOM Loki.

I would love to see this. If this was a democrat in office doing all the things Bush has done they would have went after him a long time ago.

Kerry doesn't have the balls to do it. We need someone who does for sure.
Apr 25, 2002
Yes I predict he will be impeached.
If Bill Clinton could get impeached for getting head, there is every reason in the world to impeach Bush