I don't know about the rest of you rap sellers, but sometimes I get calls from eBay customers for crazy reasons, mostly just to talk rap though... This morning my phone started ringing off the hook from about 4am - 6am from some area code 918, so I figured it was some random eBayer and never picked up.... Then today during my lunch break the same number is calling me, so I pick up. The guy introduces himself and asks if I run the e-commerce site cashflow420.com, I told him yes, and then he begins to lay into me about how I'm selling a banned album on my website and I need to remove it immediately or else his lawyers will be contacting me. I told him that I collect rare rap cd's, and the extra ones I post for sale either on my website or eBay. I also explained that I found this particular album at a used cd shop in Stockton, CA and I can do what I want with it. If the album was in fact banned from being sold in stores, how could I be in trouble for reselling it no matter where its sold at? The dude then hung up on me. Should I really remove this album, or just wait to hear from the authorities? The album he's referring to is this Ensomniak & Young Shaddo cd that I can be found here...