post anti jokes
A horse walks into a bar and the bartender asks him, why the long face? He tells the bartender he is a raging alcoholic and it is destroying his family.
Two attractive blonde women walk into a bar. They sit down and order drinks, laugh and have a good time, and make it home safely.
A black, a mexican, and a white guy are in a car. Who's driving?
The white guy, who is the commercial certified limosine driver.
How do you get a blonde to sleep with you?
Take her out on dates and treat her with respect. If she is really into you and you have good chemistry then around the fifth date ask her politely.
A horse walks into a bar and the bartender asks him, why the long face? He tells the bartender he is a raging alcoholic and it is destroying his family.
Two attractive blonde women walk into a bar. They sit down and order drinks, laugh and have a good time, and make it home safely.
A black, a mexican, and a white guy are in a car. Who's driving?
The white guy, who is the commercial certified limosine driver.
How do you get a blonde to sleep with you?
Take her out on dates and treat her with respect. If she is really into you and you have good chemistry then around the fifth date ask her politely.