Shark4romda408 said:
caN we chaNge the title of this thread to " Norte 101 "
" a DO'$ coNfe$$ioN$"
@ RED $IN, fuNNy $KreeN Name, aNyway, are U iNvolved iN aNy way with the VICTORY OUTREACH program brother??
LMAO!!! sort of ya know, but I got into it with a homeboy when I went to victory outreach. We started off about Jesus then it got to become a conversation about where we were from and who we knew, next thing you know, We're all up in each others face LOL! From then on, nah. But I try my best to help youngsters and homies my age to head a different direction. Lost 6 homies in less than a month foo, LESS THAN A MONTH. Homies talking about yeah we gonna get them fuckers, AND WHEN THEY DO IT'S THE WRONG PEOPLE, alot of times.