Well, it's official. The world is ending in 2012. I'm going to start applying for credit cards and ruining my credit to have fun while I still can. I suggest you all do the same.
There were earthquakes in mayanmar and indonesia aswel the last two weeks.
And since the earthquake in japan the weather in SE Asia has been hella weird.
A lot of rain and thunderstorms while it's supposed to be the hot season now and there is not supposed the fall one drop of rain at all for atleast a few months but it has been raining almost every day now.
So bad that most of the islands of the south of Thailand are completely flooded.
Donald Trump is going to win presidency of 2012, and then in December the Mayans will look at him and say "YOUR FIRED" as the world collapses into oblivion.
cali will eventually get hit with one that puts us half under water, making arizona, nevada like beach property ...cali will be an island unto itself...