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May 19, 2002
LilMole05 how am I not welcomes in the Bay when u like New jersey which is an East Coast team?? I dont care where the tram is from, but Im just sayin if u gonna base it on that then u wouldnt be welcomed!! 2ndly how did the nets get a taste of championship when they aint won shit?? Haha, your Nets got a taste of an ass whoopin last year, thats all they got!!! And where is your square ass from, Milpitas?? Haha!! GOT EM!!!
Apr 29, 2003
milpitas, this cat got jokes.....thas where u reside huh, keep it real, u know bangin hard out there in milpitas lol....i stay out in the moe right now.... if you dont know where that is; thas fillmoe,cali......i'm sayin u ain't welcomed in the bay because you got all that hatin' goin on, IMO.....don't u know hatin' can get your ass shot now days.....all i'm sayin' is quit hatin....and as for you TUAROA, shut the fuck up.....thas real talk....the nets might have gotten swept last year, but they still got further then your kings and they goin further then the kings least i keep it real, lets see how many of you guys will jump on the next band wagon.......
Mar 18, 2003
Who here jumped on the Lakers bandwagon. I mean, this is California, Laker fans are not uncommon. If you go to Maryland and there are an abundance of Laker fans, you might have something there. Other then that, Young Bull, Wicked, Alkahol, Caffiene and myself (maybe a couple others) are all that I have seen on this board.
May 19, 2002
lilmole07 uza trick mane str8 up!!! U aint doin shit, u probably a square from bakersfield homo!! Stop perpin!! U aint welcomed in the bay or this board!! I will do what the fuck I want when I want, and u must deal with it trick!! Now back to your wack ass team, if they happen to make it to the finals again in the weak east, I guarantee they get ran off the court by any West team that comes out!! So again they aint doin shit!!! GOT EM!!!
May 2, 2002
Who here jumped on the Lakers bandwagon. I mean, this is California, Laker fans are not uncommon. If you go to Maryland and there are an abundance of Laker fans, you might have something there. Other then that, Young Bull, Wicked, Alkahol, Caffiene and myself (maybe a couple others) are all that I have seen on this board.
Nitro...don't get so defensive. I quoted LilMoe, therefore speaking only to her.

I was speaking of her and how she is a Nets fan, but seems to be defending the Lakers at every opportunity.....
Apr 29, 2003
Defending the lakers, nah brah....peep game, i just wanted to know why everybody(not everybody, u know who u are) in this forum is hatin' on the lakers, i ain't ever heard of the "Fakers" "Ko-me" "Shag" etc. until i got on this forum...that shit is a trip.....i was just askin' a simple question...i said from gate i was a Nets fan....I ain't gonna lie, i'm gonna give credit to the lakers, there a good team, no doubt about it, but some sucka ass cats in here are claimin' that there weak....just admit it, there a good team, better then the kings...All i want to know is why is everybody hatin' on them...if u can't realize that the lakers are a good team, you don't know shit about basketball.......thas Real talk.....that "gotem" shit is gettin' for the Nets gettin' ran off the court, don't think so guy, there playin much better this year and like i said before, they'll still get further then your kings , don't be mad, just accept the fact that the Nets will go to the championships alright............
May 19, 2002
Thats funny that u jock a team that swept your wack ass team last year!! This broad lilmole03 is a trip!! No one never said that the Fakers arent good idiot, people like me said that the run is over, do u know the difference??? And about my trademark, u are anotha one that has bitten the dust and now u must deal with it forever trick!!!! GOT EM!!!!!
Apr 29, 2003
Fuck you, you bitch ass nigga.....jockin' a team, never that guy, thas all you kid....if you didn't say the lakers aren't good, then i wasn't talkin' to your bitch ass....can u fuckin' read, damn...bitten the dust, you got jokes, yous a straight sucka.....hey at least i know my on the other hand don't know what the fuck you talkin' about.... the shit you wrote about Iverson being the best in the league, he's good but he ain't the best, get your shit right....fuck you and your "got'em" can say that shit 247, i don't give a i said fuck you, yous a BITCH......oh yeah u never did say where u were from, so i guess it is Milpitas, huh....damn playboy you bangin hard out there huh, lol........but i ain't got anymore shit to say to you, its gettin pretty stupid it ain't like you finna do something we're online lol....i'll just wait till the kings lose.....alright then
May 19, 2002
I may have jokes, but u are a joke!!! Your team will lose again this year, and will go home empty!! So u aint accomplishing shit, and Im from hayward, but I stay in the Yoc now!! So what u got to say bitch!! Even if I was from Milipitas, u would still be a square so what does that matter?? haha!!! U dont know shit about hoops mane, so get over it, and lats but not least......I just.....GOT EM!!!!
Apr 29, 2003
this nigga stupid....damn you bangin hard in hayward a fuckin' clown...your a clown ass nigga ain't got nuthin on the moe, your a straight sucka.....and uhh i know my sports, u dumb fuck.....Hayward, what a fuckin' joke.....aiight this the last post to your bitch ass.....fuck what else you have to say...i know people gettin' tired of readin' this dumb fuck you, mark ass BITCH!!!!!! u "online gangsta"
Apr 29, 2003
i'll get stomped....damn now i know you is a striaght sucka, you would want to fight me....thas all good cause i know the real deal, you wouldn't be able to fuck with my fillmoe niggas or my point niggas.....thas real talk guy....hayward might be "hard" but hayward ain't got shit on a comedian.....LMAO
May 19, 2002
Haha u are a trick! Now u talkin bout yo niggaz, what do they have to do with me & u?? U need other folks!! Haha!! Listen here scrub.....this is the internet, u are a speck in my world, u are probably a 12 year old nerdy boy livin in Byron!! Just do what u do, and stay the fuck outa grown folks business!!