Were setting up empirebatcave.com to sell merchandise from all NW acts. I also want cats to contribute thier videos (high quality) to the site, the more places your product is viewed the better na'mean. I would also like to do a compilation this summer, with the same quality manufacturing as Suburban Nightmare, and get everybody that's doing something on there, producers and otherwise. In your credits, they could plug their websites. Press 10k and have everycamp pushing the same album. Everybody involved would have to do it for nothing, I mean what is a track?, and take their pay on their share of records. Pressing 10k double disk in the digipak with an 8 panel booklet would not be that much divided by everyone that wants in on it. ECE is a legit business, and were investing alot of money in advertisement this summer, if this is something you would be interested in let me know, and let everybody else know.