As a prior label manager for Brotha Lynch`s Madesicc Muzicc and now for Cway Muzicc, I have stressed this information for the past 4 years now. If you are an indie artist, label, or manager, you better step your online game up.
In another related marketing article I was just reading last week, this company was predicting 86% of ALL music sales will be via online and mobile by 2013.
Being in my mid 30`s, I still can`t see this meaning the death of the physical cd`s, as many still like to have tangible goods. Can you honestly see someone talking about their collector`s item mp3 album? Only physical goods can create such a thing.
But also look at the trends. The overall sales charts are just going in different directions. At the same time last year, physical cd purchases in stores were down significantly, but were up by almost the exact same numbers online. So why many feel online sales mean strictly mp3`s, it`s not. Cd`s are still selling, but more and more by online sources such as; eBay, Amazon, RapBay, CD Baby, even the Siccness and more.
So why it is sad to see the end of an era come to an end, it still isn`t the end of physical goods. It is only a transformation of change.