Originally posted by Ender Tell me why you are gay Sgt. Hustle.
Because I am a woman in love with another woman, so by society's standards that makes me gay.
Don't just sling mud at me.
You slung mud at me by equating being gay with being a pediphile and trying to get small children to fuck me. You say that's how gay people get down...I am gay...therefore the sligning is mutual.
And about that why I hate faggots theory. Imagine someone coming up to you and constantly calling you a dumbass. And everytime you try and tell that person that no you are in fact not a dumbass they say your a dumbassaphobe and that you probably have hidden dumbass tendencies or thoughts.
Your probably going to get pretty damn angry, right? Not because your a dumbassaphobe but because your are being accused as being one. And the real dumbass is lying about your character to try and make themselves feel better and in fact doing the same type of degrading hate they so much loathe themselves.
I'm not sure what you are getting at here, but if the shoe fits, wear it. If not, pay no mind to it...
And that ladies and gentleman would be called "pushing".
If that's what you consider pushing....I don't see how I am trying to make you be gay by pointing out your massive hatred can in some way translate to your own insecurities. Otherwise you wouldn't waste the energy and you'd just live and let live.
Cuz I hate a mothafuckin liar more than anything else on this planet.
Who is lying and about what?
But the instant you accept temptation as not being bad anymore is the instant you lose your ability to learn cuz you have blurred the line between right and wrong.
Not everyone believes the sames things to be right and wrong. To some people, stealing from corporations is ok because they are big and evil and bloodsucking. But that same person may find it horrific to think of running up on an old granny and snatching her purse. Is it the same...or is it all relative to the situation?
I've never felt more comfortable, happier, or right in my decision to be involved with my girlfriend. I love her for the right reasons; the things she does for me, her character, her spirit and her consideration, the smile she puts on my face, her generosity and committment to us. If that is wrong, so be it, I'll be wrong for the rest of my life and go to hell and know it was worth it to love another human being the way I love her.
But like I said before Sgt. Hustle tell me your reason for considering your self gay what happened in your childhood that you just got up one mornin and said I'm gay. Educate me.
I didn't wake up one morning and say "Hey! Today i'll be gay and fight with people on the Internet about how they should be gay too!" That's nonsense. I am only gay because that's what you call people like me.
And no I don't have a "hick" grandpa. I do have a grandma from Texas who is christian and is married to a man who is mormon. I was raised in a multi-cultural family. My father is Irish/German/English and my mother is full blooded first generation Korean. I fuckin love kimchee and bulgoki. I have no fisrt cousins on my white side, but a whole gangload on my korean side. For about three years I lived with my aunt and uncle(full blooded mexican) and spent my summers with them playing baseball with his side of the family and eating mexican grub while, my aunt cooked steak and potatoes and corn on the cob. I grew up on military bases so my group of friends were anywhere from black, white, filipino, thai, japanese, mexican, anything you could think of. From all types of backrounds and upbringings. But birds of a feather flock together.
So before you wanna pull the race card know that your racial slurs and tags will be futile against me. All of my friends and family would consider themselves Americans. Most are very active in church and those that are not believe very strongly in God. Alot were in the military and gangs (as in mob). But again birds of a feather flock together. They're all damn good people with their own problems and faults.
I was being sarcastic. But thanks for the book.
Tell me a little bit about yourself Sgt. Hustle. Were you molested as a child? Were you overwieght or had any other physical attribute that made you a cause for ridicule at your school. Where you beat as a kid. Did the group of kids you hung around have any of these problems.
Don't be ashamed and don't falsify anything about your life. If you want the people here on the Siccness to better understand your points of view be truthful.
You don't have to say anything you don't feel comfortable speakin about. But we'd have to know some things in order to better understand you.
I've never been known to lie or fabricate anything about myself. I am in the public eye 7 days a week. All I can be is me. Was I a fat kid? Nope. Was I ridiculed in school? Sure, here and there like most kids. Are any of my close friends gay? No. Was I molested as a child? Yes. Were many of my friends molested as a child? Yes. Are they gay now because of it? No. Does being molested make you gay? No. It just makes you wise beyond your years and gives you a set of issues unique to being violated as a child. Before I was molested, me and the neighborhood kids would play doctor...girls, boys, whatever, we would just explore. As I got older I found girls attractive as well as boys. I consider myself bi-sexual, but being that I am in a committed relationship with a girl, by society's standards that makes me gay. I'll wear that hat and put myself in that box since it makes the world more comfortable.