all gay high schools.

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May 5, 2002
Mcleanhatch said:
and i do stand by my comment that a very high percentage of kids that happen to be raised by gay parents will not come out normal compared to normal parents.
name 5 people you know personally that were raised by gay parents and who turned out to be "not normal".

name 5 people you know personally that were raised by straight parents who turned out to be "normal"
Apr 4, 2003
^^^ Depends on what you define as "normal"

Most homosexual people I have met have come from a seeminly normal household, except where the father figure was either abusive or non existent! I mean that's not normal in any standard, but the parents weren't gay!
May 5, 2002
^^^basically, kids can end up fucked up in any parenting situation....with one parent, two parents, foster parents, gay parents, black parents, white parents, asian parents....etc., etc. also kids can end up just fine under the same circumstances. i don't believe my kid would be "fucked up" because i am gay. i think he or she would be more fucked up living with a parent who beat them, neglected them or lied to them about the fact that all people are different and different doesn't mean bad.
May 5, 2002
MC_PM$ said:
^^^ Depends on what you define as "normal"
exactly. in mcleanhatch's world, bush is normal and o'reilly is god. to many of us that is abnormal, but i don't knock him because he has the right to think and believe what he wants. i don't tell him his kids will end up fucked up because they'll grow up listening to a closed-minded bigot for a father, because for all i know, they'll turn out just fine...maybe even gay! :)
May 16, 2002
First off it can't be compared to what happened to the black folks. They didn't want to be segregated they knew they were normal human beings.

Gay people want to be segregated. Why cause subconsciously they know that shit is wrong and unatural. There not trying to be normal human beings.

I say let them segregate themselves from society so we can see where the disease resides. If they want to seek help they can, if not they don't have to. It's like a drug addict, you can tell them all freakin day that that shit is wrong, but in the end it's up to them to get help.

I don't hate gay people who know that shit is wrong cuz they can be helped. I do hate faggots who accept it as being okay, and I especially hate faggots who try and push that shit on other kids so they have more people to openly soddomize without the fear of reprocussions.

Read the story of Soddom and Gomorrah. Two righteous people went into the town and all the gay people said "bring these men out so we can soddomize them". And God destroyed the place.

They tried to push their gayness on the righteous and they were punished for it.

I say let them marry too and what ever else makes their gay little hearts happy, but the day they try to adopt children is the day when I will believe in lynchings. For all children are born innocent and should be protected.



Hey, here's somethin to ponder anybody know a gay scientist who believes in evolution. Cuz if you do, that man is a fuckin HYPOCRITE. LOL.
May 5, 2002
I am gay and I wouldn't go to a gay school nor do I feel the need to "segregate" myself from the world because I have a girlfriend. I'm sorry that you "hate faggots" so much, but the reason you do is because you fear that you are like them or that they might find you attractive, thus you question your male sexuality. It is not your place to tell gay people what will happen to them after they die because you are not the one to make that judgement. I don't know any gay people who try to "push" themselves on straight people and try to make them gay. That is some mythical bullshit that does not exist. The last thing a gay person wants to deal with is someone who is not gay or is closeted about being gay. If a gay person hits on a straight person and they say no....that's's over and done with. The only time "gay" people might push themselves on a straight person is in jail when they are raping fools, and that is not the same. That is male aggression and circumstance. It's cool for you to think what you will and I respect that, but you have received some misinformation and from what I gather through your hatred for gays is that you don't have any as friends, therefore you really have no clue what gay people are like except what your hick grandpa probably told you after he slept with his sister. Oh and please believe you have gay people in your family....but they wouldn't tell someone like you.
May 16, 2002
Tell me why you are gay Sgt. Hustle.

Don't just sling mud at me.

And about that why I hate faggots theory. Imagine someone coming up to you and constantly calling you a dumbass. And everytime you try and tell that person that no you are in fact not a dumbass they say your a dumbassaphobe and that you probably have hidden dumbass tendencies or thoughts.

Your probably going to get pretty damn angry, right? Not because your a dumbassaphobe but because your are being accused as being one. And the real dumbass is lying about your character to try and make themselves feel better and in fact doing the same type of degrading hate they so much loathe themselves.

And that ladies and gentleman would be called "pushing".

Am I just spittin some off the wall nonsense here or what? Tell me your thoughts. Cuz I hate a mothafuckin liar more than anything else on this planet.

Temptation is temptation no matter how you look at it. Just like thinkin about stealing someone's wallet cuz they an easy target. No man is free from temptation. It can be forgivin. But the instant you accept temptation as not being bad anymore is the instant you lose your ability to learn cuz you have blurred the line between right and wrong.

Maybe that's why they call gay people confused. And faggots are just faggots. Can you see the line there? Cuz if you can then you are learnin.

But like I said before Sgt. Hustle tell me your reason for considering your self gay what happened in your childhood that you just got up one mornin and said I'm gay. Educate me.

And no I don't have a "hick" grandpa. I do have a grandma from Texas who is christian and is married to a man who is mormon. I was raised in a multi-cultural family. My father is Irish/German/English and my mother is full blooded first generation Korean. I fuckin love kimchee and bulgoki. I have no fisrt cousins on my white side, but a whole gangload on my korean side. For about three years I lived with my aunt and uncle(full blooded mexican) and spent my summers with them playing baseball with his side of the family and eating mexican grub while, my aunt cooked steak and potatoes and corn on the cob. I grew up on military bases so my group of friends were anywhere from black, white, filipino, thai, japanese, mexican, anything you could think of. From all types of backrounds and upbringings. But birds of a feather flock together.

So before you wanna pull the race card know that your racial slurs and tags will be futile against me. All of my friends and family would consider themselves Americans. Most are very active in church and those that are not believe very strongly in God. Alot were in the military and gangs (as in mob). But again birds of a feather flock together. They're all damn good people with their own problems and faults.

Tell me a little bit about yourself Sgt. Hustle. Were you molested as a child? Were you overwieght or had any other physical attribute that made you a cause for ridicule at your school. Where you beat as a kid. Did the group of kids you hung around have any of these problems.

Don't be ashamed and don't falsify anything about your life. If you want the people here on the Siccness to better understand your points of view be truthful.

You don't have to say anything you don't feel comfortable speakin about. But we'd have to know some things in order to better understand you.

"The truth shall set you free."-Somebody smart
May 5, 2002
Originally posted by Ender Tell me why you are gay Sgt. Hustle.
Because I am a woman in love with another woman, so by society's standards that makes me gay.

Don't just sling mud at me.
You slung mud at me by equating being gay with being a pediphile and trying to get small children to fuck me. You say that's how gay people get down...I am gay...therefore the sligning is mutual.

And about that why I hate faggots theory. Imagine someone coming up to you and constantly calling you a dumbass. And everytime you try and tell that person that no you are in fact not a dumbass they say your a dumbassaphobe and that you probably have hidden dumbass tendencies or thoughts.

Your probably going to get pretty damn angry, right? Not because your a dumbassaphobe but because your are being accused as being one. And the real dumbass is lying about your character to try and make themselves feel better and in fact doing the same type of degrading hate they so much loathe themselves.
I'm not sure what you are getting at here, but if the shoe fits, wear it. If not, pay no mind to it...

And that ladies and gentleman would be called "pushing".
If that's what you consider pushing....I don't see how I am trying to make you be gay by pointing out your massive hatred can in some way translate to your own insecurities. Otherwise you wouldn't waste the energy and you'd just live and let live.

Cuz I hate a mothafuckin liar more than anything else on this planet.
Who is lying and about what?

But the instant you accept temptation as not being bad anymore is the instant you lose your ability to learn cuz you have blurred the line between right and wrong.
Not everyone believes the sames things to be right and wrong. To some people, stealing from corporations is ok because they are big and evil and bloodsucking. But that same person may find it horrific to think of running up on an old granny and snatching her purse. Is it the same...or is it all relative to the situation?

I've never felt more comfortable, happier, or right in my decision to be involved with my girlfriend. I love her for the right reasons; the things she does for me, her character, her spirit and her consideration, the smile she puts on my face, her generosity and committment to us. If that is wrong, so be it, I'll be wrong for the rest of my life and go to hell and know it was worth it to love another human being the way I love her.

But like I said before Sgt. Hustle tell me your reason for considering your self gay what happened in your childhood that you just got up one mornin and said I'm gay. Educate me.
I didn't wake up one morning and say "Hey! Today i'll be gay and fight with people on the Internet about how they should be gay too!" That's nonsense. I am only gay because that's what you call people like me.

And no I don't have a "hick" grandpa. I do have a grandma from Texas who is christian and is married to a man who is mormon. I was raised in a multi-cultural family. My father is Irish/German/English and my mother is full blooded first generation Korean. I fuckin love kimchee and bulgoki. I have no fisrt cousins on my white side, but a whole gangload on my korean side. For about three years I lived with my aunt and uncle(full blooded mexican) and spent my summers with them playing baseball with his side of the family and eating mexican grub while, my aunt cooked steak and potatoes and corn on the cob. I grew up on military bases so my group of friends were anywhere from black, white, filipino, thai, japanese, mexican, anything you could think of. From all types of backrounds and upbringings. But birds of a feather flock together.

So before you wanna pull the race card know that your racial slurs and tags will be futile against me. All of my friends and family would consider themselves Americans. Most are very active in church and those that are not believe very strongly in God. Alot were in the military and gangs (as in mob). But again birds of a feather flock together. They're all damn good people with their own problems and faults.
I was being sarcastic. But thanks for the book.

Tell me a little bit about yourself Sgt. Hustle. Were you molested as a child? Were you overwieght or had any other physical attribute that made you a cause for ridicule at your school. Where you beat as a kid. Did the group of kids you hung around have any of these problems.

Don't be ashamed and don't falsify anything about your life. If you want the people here on the Siccness to better understand your points of view be truthful.

You don't have to say anything you don't feel comfortable speakin about. But we'd have to know some things in order to better understand you.
I've never been known to lie or fabricate anything about myself. I am in the public eye 7 days a week. All I can be is me. Was I a fat kid? Nope. Was I ridiculed in school? Sure, here and there like most kids. Are any of my close friends gay? No. Was I molested as a child? Yes. Were many of my friends molested as a child? Yes. Are they gay now because of it? No. Does being molested make you gay? No. It just makes you wise beyond your years and gives you a set of issues unique to being violated as a child. Before I was molested, me and the neighborhood kids would play doctor...girls, boys, whatever, we would just explore. As I got older I found girls attractive as well as boys. I consider myself bi-sexual, but being that I am in a committed relationship with a girl, by society's standards that makes me gay. I'll wear that hat and put myself in that box since it makes the world more comfortable.
Jul 24, 2002
I'm trying to understand why people have a problem with this.
Let me get this straight, you don't like faggs right?
Then shouldn't you be happy they have they're own school and are not in yours?

Just food for thought. I myself could care less.
But I do not think any kind of segregation is good.


Sicc OG
May 18, 2002
What does it matter if the child is raised in a home were there are two of the same kind. Like how I said just as long as the child is loved , understood, and shown the Right way then there shouldnt be a problem. breaking down something simple as " love or acceptance " shouldnt take a genius child to understand.obviously some closeminded people in this world didnt get that in there homes growing up.

People wonder why shit can't get resolved! To busy pointing fingers and calling names instead of looking at what they need too.

Grow to Understanding and things well be easier.
Jul 24, 2002
Some people think homosexuality is wrong.
And raising a child in a gay home is like encouraging the child that there's nothing wrong with homosexuality.

I think that's the problem most people have with it....
May 5, 2002
You can't make a child be gay just because you are. They will naturally be attracted to whom they want to be attracted to. If gay people raise gay children, then by that logic, I should be straight as an arrow since my mother raised me and she is most definitely heterosexual.


Sicc OG
May 18, 2002

There is nothin wrong with two people finding something in someone that they have been wanting,searching,needing.Thats all that it is. "LOVE" SEEING PAST WHAT IS THERE TO ACHIEVE HAPPINESS.If a woman happens to find it in another then thats Great! atleast she has happiness. Tell me how many people you know are in a relationship that they can be understood and accepted for who they are and loved for it!

So if they child grows up thinking that it's o.k. to have 2 mommies. Whats wrong with that????? the only people there going to have problems with are close minded people who tell them diffrent.

just as long as the home life is encouraging and positive WHO GIVES A SHIT!!!!! you guys speak on what is good for the children but you miss the point.

As a on looker would you rather have a child in a mentality and negative houser hold were there is a MOMMY AND DADDY. or A positive Fulfilling environment were there are 2mommies or 2 daddies?????
Jul 24, 2002
Sergeant Hustle said:
You can't make a child be gay just because you are. They will naturally be attracted to whom they want to be attracted to. If gay people raise gay children, then by that logic, I should be straight as an arrow since my mother raised me and she is most definitely heterosexual.
No I believe most gay people are born that way.
But you cannot ignore the fact that there is many who start off straight, eventually get tired of the same game and then venture into new experiences.

A good example are bi-sexuals....
Another example would be pedaphiles....
There's no indication that they are born that way.
Lust is what causes these people to do such things....
And that is wrong....


Sicc OG
May 16, 2002
Alright let's not sugar coat the shit.

I love my homeboys and they got love for me. That don't mean we're gonna have sex with each other.

Isn't that what being gay is? A person who enjoys the actual act of gay sex?

Sgt. Hustle you say you love the woman with whom you are currently with. Correct? What's up you can't just give her a hug and tell her you love her? No?

Why? Because you like to have gay sex. And the instant you put I have to have sex with someone to love them, then how much do you really love that person?

What I don't understand is that even in gay relationships one person is always the dominant one. It's like your actin out a heterosexual lifestyle anyway. So why wouldn't you just be a heterosexual?

Somebody said that the rapes in prison are a form of aggression. You were molested as a child. Maybe your actin out your aggression on women because you have a fear of men and women are less threatening in societies eyes. With gay males I think they suffer from humiliation of women so they act out their aggression on other men with whom they won't feel humiliated with. Both scenarios are people trying to run away from their problems instead of trying to face them. Now this is all just my opinion. It could be true it couldn't. But I always try and look for patterns in why people do the stuff they do so I can try to figure out a solution.

Maybe everytime you approach a male Sgt. Hustle you remember the man who wronged you as a child. And now you associate the act of sex with a male as being violated.

I'm sorry this happened to you and I wish I could beat the fuck outta the man who tried to ruin your life. But you can't judge every man on the actions of one bad person. Everysingle person on this planet is unique. You also can't segregate yourself from every male you run into.

Your probably gonna tell me that you have guy friends. Right? And that your not segregating yourselves from all males.

Do you love these male friends? If yes, do you have to have sex with them to love them? Of course not right, their just your friends and you don't be having sex with all your friends male or female.

My point is the act of sex is sacred. It was made, since the creation of human beings, to be shared by a man and a woman who are truly in love with each other.

I don't care how much you and your girlfriend say you love each other. Until you experience the real union between a man and a woman who were made for each other, your missing out.

Ender believes that every woman was made for a special man and that every man was made for a special woman. I'm not here to change your mind on things. I just think that now, your man is as lost as you. Cuz he'll never have the opportunity to ever approach you.

Be cautious never be afraid.
Mar 7, 2003
Sergeant Hustle said:
It is not your place to tell gay people what will happen to them after they die because you are not the one to make that judgement.
We are not making that judgement, The Word Of G-D has already judged you.

Leviticus 20:13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

G-D also destroyed sodom (sodomy) and gomorrah for their grevious sins, ex.homosexuality,lesbians,incest etc.
Apr 26, 2002
What's funny is that a sin is a sin by most of you attacking homosexuality are still commiting sins that are equally disgusting by no way do I agree with the act of homosexuality but I dont condemn it either, let everyone live as they please, straight sex is just as bad a sin if it is not done in wedlock, according to the bible that is..I don't hold someone's lifestyle against em as long as their not attacking mine, I do agree that racism and homophobia are two different things but as Sgt.Hustle said they are both bigotry, were all living on the same planet and if we cannot accept each other lets at least tolerate each other...
May 5, 2002
I'm going to hell. End of story....

You shouldn't be so concerned with what other people are doing and if ya'll are so into the bible, concentrate on making yourself the "godly" person you should be.

According to the bible, all sins are equal. Homosexuality, murder, using His name in vain, thinking evil thoughts, judging and condemning other people, etc. Therefore I highly doubt that we all will go to "heaven" under this guise if all sins are considered equal.

I have no fear of going to hell. If that's where I end up, so be it. I will not live my life a scary, intimidated person who needs approval from the world in order to exist.

If you're scared...go to church and pray for my soul.

Spliff aka mac jesus

Mcleanhatch said:

i sure hope you dont have kids because if you do your going to fuck their lives up.
Hey man i was that kid, and i ain't fucked up.