oh yes the republican party the enders of slavery(almost , unless you are a "criminal") please remind me of something a bit more recent they have done for America. I don't understand how you can be the proud party of Lincoln and the party of the orange clown at the same time.
people are being kidnapped off the streets by the government. glad all the 2A people who are ready to stand up against tyranny are ready.
tying your healthcare to your job is wage slavery and limits economic growth want to start your own business but need to go to the doctor? better keep the shitty job you have and STFU about those dreams. I don't have student debt but it is a huge drain on our economy. tons of people have to pay that shit off every month that is money that would be better off spent on things and recirculating back into the economy. what is wrong with fixing the cost of education in America? do you want a dumbass society full of people who cant go to college?
its not a left vs right thing the problem is a rich vs poor and the rich tricking some of the poor into believing they will be rich one day too. We CAnT TaX ThE BilLiOnAIreS ThAt woULD Be uNFair! the right always throws out terrible countries as the boogeyman when things like healthcare and education are brought up. please name ONE civilized first world country that doesn't provide healthcare for their citizens... I seriously cant understand why ANYONE would be against not paying insurance premiums copays etc. if we stopped blowing up brown people over oil by just like 10% we could pay for healthcare
I don't have a problem with things like education and healthcare coming from my taxes it is a million times better than the military-industrial complex, prisons, and police lawsuits. Taxes are a way of life no modern society can exist without them I just don't think the dipshits in charge are spending them the right way. I hate how you have to be on one side of shit here. I love guns don't believe in MOST unions but also think that abortions are a great thing don't care if gays get married or not so IDK what that makes me