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Apr 25, 2002
i was abuducted befor

one time i was in the a car crusin wit some of my folks and all of a sudden these bright flashing lights came from behind us and made us get out of that car , they took us to this place were they finger printed us and asked us all these questions , then they made us stay in this small room.
Nov 8, 2002
1 Krazy Nigga said:
i was abducted by aliens one time no bullshit!!

i was bbq'in and saw hella bright lites out of nowhere! then evrything else seemed like a dream. i just remember lots of weird high pitched voices and mild electric shocks but i had a helmet on so i couldnt see shit.

then i woke up naked in a field and had to walk hella miles back to my house
OK, What Ex-Girl did you piss off?
Nov 8, 2002
Re: Re: *ALIENS*

miggidy said:

It goes to show how little people know about declassified info suggesting that UFO's are real.
Lady I ain't knocking you but I know where you can find declassified info on UFO's.
They are real....
It's no longer a secret.
People seem to be sleeping on this shit for some reason.
Well it sure seems like a knock to me man (I'm clownin). I wanted to know what "YALL" thought of this, I NEVER posted what I thought about aliens, just remember that!:classic:
Jul 24, 2002
Hey Lady,

Go here for more info on UFO's.
Here you have a list of declassified documents about UFO's.

I find it funny how people argue at the fact that intergalactic travelling is impossible.
Scientists say that galaxies are too far away from each other.
Well that is why I always ask people to open their minds.
People love thinking in their own terms.
They base their ideas only from what they know but never expand their thoughts.
Just because it's impossible with our technology, it doesn't make it impossible.

Well here's proof that we're not alone:

Deep Thought,
I had a very similar experience.
Where did you see this?
Jul 24, 2002

Read the book of Genesis.
It talks about the Sons of God (angels)
coming down to earth and getting married with human women.
They gave birth to the Nephilim.

Some people think that these Angels were actually some form of Aliens....
But anyways, this is one of the main reasons why God flooded the Earth....

Also, I don't know where but Jesus says to his disciples that there will be "other sheep" in heaven. Meaning other people.
It's up to you to decide what he was reffering to.
May 21, 2002
Sacramento, CA
miggidy said:
Deep Thought, I had a very similar experience. Where did you see this?
In the skies above Oak Park (S. Sacramento) in the late 70's, maybe even 1980. We were outside our house where my aunt was getting ready to leave (She had dropped by to show off her brand new 280 Z). My mom was talking to her through the passenger window while my oldest sister and two of my cousins played around the car.

Anyway, we seen it cross the sky very slowly (we got a very good look at it), then suddenly it floor it and speed off. We were amazed. We tugged at my moms clothes, but she just told us to leave her alone. Minutes later the military jets went screaming by in the same direction. We were scared shitless. We thought the aliens would come back to get us cuz we had saw their ship.

We all slept in the same bed that night.
Jun 2, 2002
my mom says she saw something she couldn't explain while she was out horsey riding in her youth, she doen't lie, only reason i will beleive...and you would have to be naive to think in our vast universe, we're the only living-beings abounding.


Sicc OG
Aug 1, 2002
Show me A UFO, Show me an allian, ill beleave in them both, but until then, i don't 100% beleave until i see if for myself. If i can't see it or touch it, its not really there, just the posibility is.

Jul 24, 2002
Deep Thought,

Good story and thanks for sharing it with us.
Have you ever looked into seeking more info on what you saw?
I'm sire more people saw this incident and I bet it's already been reported.

Now as for what I saw, I still don't know what it was.
But I was in my backyard here in EPA 20 min. south of Frisco.
Back in 81 or 82, I was about 5 years old and was playin with my bro and 3 cousins.
We saw some small oval white/greyish object floatin in front of this old tree in our backyard. Now this object was small though, about a foot long horizontally and 6 or 8 inches tall vertically, shaped like an oval.
Don't know what the hell it was till this day. It was just there in the air, hovering....
I reported our encounter to MUFON and it turns out there's been a few documented cases similar to our story.
It's a fuckin trip....
I wasn't able to sleep for years, specially after having watched them bug eyed freaks on that Speilberg movie Close Encounters...

Look it up bro. The US Air Force and even the Soviet Union, both have admitted that UFO's are real. Even Great Brittain announced a few weeks ago that they would reveal all the secret info they have on UFO's.
It's no longer a mystery....
Nov 17, 2002

All UFO stands for is "Unidentified Flying Object". This doesn't necessarily mean its aliens. It makes sense that the US Air Force has encountered UFO's since they deal with things in the air. But, has the US Air Force openly admitted to encountering space aliens? As it is very possible that in certain situations it could be aliens we can't rule it out as that. It could be a multiple of things.......
Nov 17, 2002

All UFO stands for is "Unidentified Flying Object". This doesn't necessarily mean its aliens. It makes sense that the US Air Force has encountered UFO's since they deal with things in the air. But, has the US Air Force openly admitted to encountering space aliens? As it is very possible that in certain situations it could be aliens we can't rule it out as that. It could be a multiple of things.......
Nov 17, 2002

All UFO stands for is "Unidentified Flying Object". This doesn't necessarily mean its aliens. It makes sense that the US Air Force has encountered UFO's since they deal with things in the air. But, has the US Air Force openly admitted to encountering space aliens? As it is very possible that in certain situations it could be aliens we can't rule it out as that. It could be a multiple of things.......
Nov 17, 2002

All UFO stands for is "Unidentified Flying Object". This doesn't necessarily mean its aliens. It makes sense that the US Air Force has encountered UFO's since they deal with things in the air. But, has the US Air Force openly admitted to encountering space aliens? As it is very possible that in certain situations it could be aliens we can't rule it out as that. It could be a multiple of things.......
Jul 24, 2002
Good point.
But we are pretty sure that UFO's aren't of this world and probably even this dimension as they appear to defy our laws of physics.

But anyhow I have this contractor who comes in to do PM's on our building automation system. He's with Siemens Building Technologies and they have cotracts with all kinds of companies.
No work building can opperate with out a building automation system that takes care of their Fire Life Safety system and HV-AC.
I know this because I'm a building engineer.
Well any how, this guy watches over a military building and has personal relationships with the folks working at the facility.
Well, one military sargeant hinted him as to say that he himself saw some humanoid looking being with in the facility.
The sargeant didn't say much afterward but was pretty shaken up as if this had happenned receantly.

The guy that shared this story with me didn't want to talk much about it. But he brought it up while me and a co-worker were debating whether there's life beyond this planet.
He just wanted to re-assure us that there is life out there....
I thought about beating the guy up to get more info out of him.
But oh well....