I just saw this in 3-D, and it was magnificent.
Although the events are highly predictable, its also a highly entertaining movie.
For some reason, I didn't care much for Anne Hathaway as the White Queen. Not that her role was very large, so I suppose in the big picture it doesn't much matter.
Some lines you could tell Johnny Depp slipped back into his Jack Sparrow voice. And the Mad Hatter is Scottish?
This is sort of like an Alice sequel, but with bits and pieces of Through the Looking Glass added.
I feel like Tim Burton achieved his goal with this movie, and you can certainly tell its a Tim Burton film. Disney again gave him the reins and let him do it his way. The girl I went with felt that it would end up "too PG", because its a Disney film, but there are some scenes in there that might scare the shit out of you if you're on a bad shroom trip. Helena Bonham Carter did a great job as the red queen though, she filled the role perfectly in my opinion.
I'd probably go see it every day for the next week and not get tired of it, but that's just me. Though I'm biased. I watched Alice In Wonderland quite often as a young guy, read the book, and used to work for Disney. Also a big Johnny Depp and Tim Burton fan.
Be that as it may, I doubt it will be the best movie I see in 2010... but it will be one I buy and watch a couple times a year. I'm going to take my nephews to see it next week. I was kind of blazed out so I'd like to see it sober as well. Trippin' on mushrooms would be fun as fuck, especially in 3D. Go see it while you can! I understand Disney wants to get this out to DVD as soon as possible... increased revenue.