in 1969 the US defense department requested and got 10 million dollars to make the aids virus in a lab, its an ethnic wepon used to wipe out blacks and homos, between 1974-79 the world health organization started injecting aids-laced smallpx vaccines to the blacks , and aids-laced hepititis b vaccine shots to gays, they make the aids infected people feel like its there fault for getin aids for leading dirty lives (being gay and having butt sex, and doin meth and other dirty drugs) its also a good tool for population control seein as this world is over populated.. i dont know this is what i belive personally, it makes more sense then the "it came from a monkey" story lol, and wheres the proof that this disease is 100 yrs old? lol aint no body alive 100 yrs ago, and a cure realesed now would bankrupt the insurance companys, we already noe the cure