I would feel the same way but his autopsy showed his brain resembled that of an 85 year old man with alzheimer's
Yeah well I don't know any 85 year old alzheimer patients that can manage to figure out how to get on 250 flights a year, check into hotels every night, perform 5 star matches, cut poor promo's, etc. Do you think an 85 year old alzheimer's patient, while drunk, would have the presence of mind to cage up his dogs, so that after he texted friends his address they wouldn't attack when people came to search for him?
I'm hearing a lot of excuses on both sides. WWE wants to say they had nothing to do with it because he was so fucked before he even got there, which is probably true. And Chris Nowinski wants to blame the WWE for not treating his concussions. I say it's all bullshit and they're both using the same problem to defend their sides when the fact is that a crazy motherfucker is a crazy motherfucker. Alzheimers patients don't murder people, they forget who they are. They don't then murder two more people, they forget that they murdered the first.
You can't tell me that his fuckin' 85 year old alzie brain caused that. He kept a diary the whole time.
You can't tell me that his fuckin' 85 year old alzie brain caused that. He kept a diary the whole time.