CannibalCrow said:
Ok, so put money into families. Abortion doesn't need to be the main option. So a poor family has a child, and they are doing their best to raise the child. If it's not enough, they turn to the government for help. So now they're expecting another child..
The message should be that the family should be helped up, so that they don't need the support of their government. Is the initial financial support for the family to help them afford the new baby what you're talking about? Funding for family programs to pay for bigger homes for new parents, and to pay for the extra food and child care items? Basically government funds or tax money to go into Families to support their children? And what if they have another, and another..? Is there a point where they would have to fly on their own?
What sort of programs do you imagine would help build Strong Families? Programs to help the parents find good work.. to train them.. to help them manage their lives so that they can be good parents? Programs to help them raise their child(ren) independent from assistance?
This is a hard post to answer. Good work.
Although it is usually impossible to ascribe numbers to the preferred amount of children (which would amount to soft "limits", more or less), I think the debate and the reality should be framed something like: "We will fully help you take care of up to 3 children. After that, your aid will gradually decrease". Something to this effect. -- The point would be that you cannot expect that if a family receives X dollars for 1 child, that they are going to then recieve 10x for 10 children, or even 9x or 8x. See what I'm getting at here?
The program you described is exactly what I had in mind. There is already grants out there for child care while going to college, but because of "SOME PEOPLE" spreading misinformation and propaganda, it is not realized and the money is either of given to others or not utilized.
It must be understood that, to combine this with the previous example, Families with ~3 children who wish to obtain higher education, ought to have their taxes very much lowered and ought to be given substantial child care subsidies, for at least 2 years, the length of most technical degrees. Should they want to go for a 4-year degree, they ought to have to organize and set that up on their own dime, for the time being.
Put money into abortion....and you've just eliminated the major reason for putting more money into college. Why is this so? If i could use and abuse a Lefty position to make my point.....What would be the point of such a thing? To help college educated people take care of their 0 children, so they could in turn just spend all their money on more capitalist and materialist things and posessions? (Liberal voice in the background: "But what about their parents!?!! Or the soaring cost of health insurance under Bu$hitler's failed policies?!?!?!")
This is the way I see it, and much like other people will announce their Psychology degrees and the like in threads about mental disease, so must I remind the people that I have seen this Children&College, struggling-to-the-top thing in practice, right under my very own roof. It was not as hard as you would think it is. It was more a matter of willpower and getting the right information than anything.