A-Wax and LAMB Getting Punked

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English Gentleman
Dec 23, 2014
You're still salty you got exposed as a welcher who won't pay up on his bet with dagrimprophet huh
And its not the first time...people forget about the time he got too scared to show AP9 @AP9 a picture of himself when asked but continued posting pics of AP9.

Thats some coward shit. I wonder what dude has to hide

The fact is this..... That chump won't give me his number, won't post a pic of himself so I can see what he looks like, stalks my Instagram stealing pictures posting then crackin jokes, act like he wants to fight but just really wants to meet me in person, all his shit us just joke jokes jokes to entertain these 6 cheerleaders he has on siccness!!!! He doin all this postin pics of me up when he needs to post a pic of himself up so I can see what he looks like!! I can pay a dopefiend to WAK this chump!!!!! I'm living the life him n his cheerleaders wish they had!!!!! Follow me on Instagram Bitch @Bitch _killaaa and enjoy my life and wish y'all had it!!!! I'm done wit this Internet shit!!! MOBBIN !!! Back to the money!!! BITCH KILLA the album comin soon!!!!!
Feb 11, 2006
And its not the first time...people forget about the time he got too scared to show AP9 @AP9 a picture of himself when asked but continued posting pics of AP9.

Thats some coward shit. I wonder what dude has to hide
im convinced your definitely a retard ,my pics been in my ava since the start,to bad you was 10 yrs old when sicc chat was live and kicking .

you gettin all hurt because I asked you why everyone says you Raped an autistic child but you still havent explained why that rumour came about.


English Gentleman
Dec 23, 2014
My bad I didnt keep an online bet with your 16 yr old online friend that is to retarded to understand when someone is trolling him.

You won't do it cos you're a lil pussy. In fact I'd put money on the fact your a scared lil bitch who has no intentions of facing your problems.

And when I make that video I want you to post a photo of yourself holding a sign that reads

"DaGrimProphet proved me wrong. He is actually a cool guy and definitely not a bitch"
You are definitely a retard if you ever thought I'd take a picture saying sorry to you because you posted a video on here of you breaking a CD Bwhahaha ,People are not laughing with you more like at you ya prick
I'm actually a Cuzzalo not a juggalo ,do your home work.
Feb 11, 2006
DaGrimProphet @DaGrimProphet I only logged on to find out why people on here say you attempted to rape an autistic girl and you getting all defensive and not answering anything .


English Gentleman
Dec 23, 2014
DaGrimProphet @DaGrimProphet I only logged on to find out why people on here say you attempted to rape an autistic girl and you getting all defensive and not answering anything .
Thats because I explained where that rumor came from about 20 fuckin times...Im not about to do it again, all Im gonna say is its 100% bullshit
Feb 11, 2006
Thats because I explained where that rumor came from about 20 fuckin times...Im not about to do it again, all Im gonna say is its 100% bullshit
well seeing as you have lots of time on your hands and always here im sure you could explain one more time why people say you raped or tried to rape an autistic child ,if not seeing as you like quoting old posts maybe you could link me to where you explain.

Mar 14, 2006
east bay
Thats because I explained where that rumor came from about 20 fuckin times...Im not about to do it again, all Im gonna say is its 100% bullshit
You look like you'd rape a poor little girl too, always out in the woods filming yourself you fucking weird piece of shit... Please tell me why a wax would respond to some cornball like yourself? Just like everyone else you have ever come in contact with no one gives a fuck about your opinion.
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English Gentleman
Dec 23, 2014
well seeing as you have lots of time on your hands and always here im sure you could explain one more time why people say you raped or tried to rape an autistic child ,if not seeing as you like quoting old posts maybe you could link me to where you explain.

You asked me to explain it before. But just to jog your memory I'll explain it for you again. The rumor came from Mac Jesus trying to troll by deliberately getting these 2 stories confused and fucked up...

The autistic girl story:

Ima tell you a true story from when I was in year 10 back in secondary school, so starting almost 3 years ago now. The reason I remember is because it lasted that whole school year, drove my crush away from me, and made the dudes I used to hang out with at lunch break quit talking to me.

This story may sound mean, and some of yall wont think its true, but I can assure you it is 100% true.

At my secondary school I was never popular. People didnt like me much, they used to say shit to me and do shit to me. I know that sounds gay, but one kid did some pretty questionable shit to get to me for being fat. I don't like to use the word bullying as that makes me sound like a child, and this shit just made me tough and taught me to hate most people. Anyway, most people wouldn't even speak to me, so in my first few years there I stuck with a kid I knew from primary school and his mates.

In my year there was also an autistic girl. I don't mean she was slightly autistic, I mean severely. Looking back on it now she really should have gone to a special school as my school couldn't handle her. All the kids were mean to her and just told her to fuck off, but I never spoke to her before.

Then at the start of year 10 she started talking to me and I used to be a nice guy by nature, so I didn't tell her to fuck off and instead I was nice to her and spoke to her. I regret that moment more than any of yall would imagine. From that moment on she followed me around everywhere, stared at me all the time, if I told her to keep her distance she cried and I would feel guilty. I couldn't go nowhere without her following me round, so the people I hung out with werent cool with me any more. I used to go to the toilets and eat my lunch in there so she wouldn't follow me there.

Then she somehow got my address. She began sending hand written letters to my house about her being my "BFF until we die" and shit like that. She would always ask strange questions and tell weird jokes, and if she didn't like what I said she would cry and shit, it was so fucking stressful, not to mention my crush (who I was pretty cool with) laughed at me and shit, rumours began circulating about us dating and people were acting even worse. For context I remember one if her jokes exactly as she told it.

"What do you get when you cross a bar with a bed? A bar bed."

Then she would make up shit about other boys saying really fucked up shit and at the beginning I believed her and fought some kid. At the time I thought the kid deserved it for saying shit about killing an autistic girl and I thought I was just doing a good thing.

Then her mom started sending me letters offering to pay me to go on dates with her and she payed a service to get my home phone number and kept calling it. In the end the police had to get involved and I got a restraining order.

Then at school all the girls in my year hated me for being a really bad person and a dick for bullying her and getting a restraining order, and none of them knew what I went through. My chances with all the girls there were fucked. None of my old mates would hang out with me again except 1 dude who stayed cool with me sometimes until more recently when he became a tweaker.

And that was my secondary school years in a nutshell.
The false rape rumor story

Ok, this thread isn't really good for much else anyway.

So that faggot kid and his feminist pals were real SJWs. That buddy-turned-tweaker of mine had never touched meth by this point so he was still pretty cool and he made a facebook post where he mentioned "jap porn". This faggot SJW started accusing him of being a racist and all other types of shit, so I got into a faggy facebook argument with him to fuck off. I then heard he was texting this girl to like all his comments so he looked more popular.

This girl and I had a pretty bad history. I never spoke to her at all in my life and out of the blue one day I started having like 10+ people a day talking to me saying I was "sexist scum" and a "rapist" for trying to force this chick to sleep with me. I was hella confused so I confronted her about it and she denied spreading rumors about me with that "I'm better than you" rich white girl look on her face. So I was skeptical but I let it slide for now cuz I had no proof and she had no reason to spread these rumors. tbh I really didn't care cuz that whole autistic girl stalking me was already in full effect.

Then that girl started talking to me in class and shit, telling me weird things like "I was at a party and I got drunk and then somebody taped me licking a plastic lightsaber" and "I think I might be pregnant" so I was getting hella sketched out by this point. One time she even said some shit like "my life revolves around starbucks" so I told her " if your life revolves around a coffe shop you gotta find something more meaningful to spend your time doing". Then the next day I heard people saying I was bullying this chick was saying her life had no meaning lol. By this point I knew exactly what she was doing, she was trying to make me look even worse than I already did.

Bottom line: she was a fucking bitch.

So later that soon-to-be-tweaker kid made another facebook post about why feminism is fucking stupid, and I agreed with him, and that social justice faggot kept saying all types of stupid shit. So we started a group chat to troll him with anti-feminism stuff (I know it sounds dumb but we were dumb teenagers at the time). He didn't take it very well and he added a whole bunch of his feminist pals from other schools and they kept messaging me saying shit about my mom and shit. I was fucking pissed. He also added that lying bitch who was spreading false rape rumors about me and she told those other mindless retarded feminists that I tried to rape her....remember at this point this chick was still denying she spreaded rumors about me, and she just did it in front of my fucking face. So I got pissed and said she was a lying whore, and all those feminists were like "calling a girl a whore is sexual abuse" or whatever, and they fuckin snitched on me to the school and they started talking to me about rape charges and shit. Luckily nothing happened to me cuz one of those teachers who was cool as fuck (shoutout to him) believed me.

But all the other kids still called me a sexist and a rapist from that day onwards. lol everyone hated me already tho so it was no big deal.

Cool story bro.
And heres the shortened version of both stories from a time I was responding to these sicc allegations

I posted a couple of high school stories about why everyone hated me and they appear to be getting 2 confused.

An autistic girl in my year took a liking to me a little too strong which lead to her mom finding my address and home phone number and sending letters and shit offering to pay for me to go out with her daughter. Everyone at school made fun of me for dating an autistic chick and the only dude who was cool with me refused to hang out with me cuz she followed me around everywhere I went and if I told her to go away she cried. Anyway it got so bad the laws had to get involved and then everyone hated me even more for being mean to an autistic girl even tho I was nice to her and put up with her for like a whole year.

The other story is about a chick who started spreading rumors about me trying to rape her and she denied it whenever I confronted her. Then online some shit happened between me and her SJW friends so she pointed that rape finger at me for all her feminist friends and when I called her a whore and called her out on her bullshit those SJWs snitched with the school and I almost had a sexual harassment charge.

I never raped anybody.
Thats the final time.
Feb 11, 2006
You asked me to explain it before. But just to jog your memory I'll explain it for you again. The rumor came from Mac Jesus trying to troll by deliberately getting these 2 stories confused and fucked up...

The autistic girl story:

The false rape rumor story

And heres the shortened version of both stories from a time I was responding to these sicc allegations

Thats the final time.