J-Sinna said:
I thought you were being an asshole, but you just think I'm a juggalo.
I made this thread hoping to get some feedback and thoughts on tech being there because of my own personal doubts.
Tech tears up the gathering.... Now you have about 40,000 people who wear tech shirts and ride his jock, but the only cd they have is absoulute power.
The juggalos could give a fuck about tech, they just wanna be down with whatever their clowny gods are down with.
So what you get is about half a grand worth of posers at Tech N9ne shows.
And you get a grip of people showing up on tech boards talking about how great "Tek Nine" is.
Tech=too good for the gathering
40,000? I think last year there was only 8 or 9k people there dude. Most juggalos dont have the cash to travel all the way there, plus the ticket costs, etc.
But there are also about 8000 juggalos who sell their kidneys, arms, legs, faces, etc. to get up enough money
I'm going to be an asshole. I'm always an asshole, so here goes. Ok, study this time line. Aight?
1. Tech N9ne was introduced on realjuggalos site about how fuckin cool he is. (note: some juggalos had already heard of him)
2. Tech N9ne was introduced on several other big juggalo websites.
3. Now, alot of Juggalos have been introduced to Tech N9ne.
4. Tech N9ne does a song with Twiztid / Tech is rumored to go to the gathering
Read it. Study it. Repeat. Then commit suicide.