damn people catchin feelinz on some bullshit, do what u guys wanna do but as for me i try to avoid little bullshit like this, but anywayz back to the topic, im not in a hood or anything but im sure as hell affiliated through my family, all of my uncles are northerners and have done major bids, however ive always said i wouldnt take that "big" step to actually say get jumped into the gang unless i got locked down because on some real shit, im tryin to get as far ahead as i can, i look at my uncle ay tio i got mad respect for you, but your 41, all tatted up n down for your shit n thats all respect man, but you still livin with your parents and dont got a cent to show for nada - wastin the little money your earn on weed n drank, losin jobs strugglin to keep one, im not trying to be like that, however deep down i got that northern pride in me, flowing in my blood, and when it comes to this banging, im more then down to ride for my family and those homies closest to me, so my point that im getting at is, i may not rep a hood, but i know where i come from and what im about, and to me being a norteno is not about bangin a hood, its about who you are on the inside and your pride in who you are, but back to this music shit, music is music, and supporting those who you respect knows no boudries, i support c-bo and killa tay, am i a crip? no but i got respect for the music they produce.