Stockton.....41.....per 100k...14.6 pop.....281,747
Concord......1.......per 100k...0.8 pop.....125,521
Antioch.......10.....per 100k...9.8 pop.....101,593
Sacramento.52.....per 100k...11.4 pop.....457,347
Pittsburg.....6.......per 100k...11.11 pop.....63,013
San Fran.....96.....per 100k...12.8 pop.....749,172
Oakland......93......per 100k...23.2 pop.....400,619
San Jose.....26.....per 100k...2.9 pop.....910,528
Walnut Creek.1.....per 100k...1.5 pop.....65,252
-as of 2006-
Everyone should look at all those numbers not as being tough, or making you better than someone else, but realize that everyone of those equal a person. Thats 326 people gone out of only 9 cities, 2 of which being Concord and Walnut Creek. This thread wasnt created for you childish dudes to bicker about whose from the bigger "warzone". Where youre from doesnt make you a certain way, be it positive or negative. Your city may shape who you are but you make your own decisions. It isnt repectful whatsoever the way yall are carrying on, and I feel comfortable in saying Woodie for one would agree. Life isnt about reflecting on what a shitty/wonderful place your from, it is about progression forward regardless of where you started. "ill gladly trade places wit you and you can come live in a real warzone" get a job move away homie, youre responsible for your own destiny. We all live in Northern California, one of the most amazing places to live in America, but some of you just want to close your eyes to that, and focus on something as insignifigant as how many people died in your town compared to someone elses. Ive been to all of these cities, and Ive been myself in all of them, and never once was i scared or afraid, I might get the shit kicked out of me, I might die, but never once have I thought I was harder than anyone else, nor the opposite. The way to get along in life is mutual respect not fear of fake bravado. People get killed all over, but we shouldnt be worried about fighting eachother, it would be a better idea to keep an eye on Big Brother, I like to think thats what Woodie would have thought.