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Jun 13, 2002
i dont expect to be given opportunities, you gotta earn them. and yes i do live in what you would call a bad area and its even harder since its a predominantly black area.


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002

Are you suggesting we all revert to Communism and a secular society? You want us all to be Russians, now? We all work 8 hours a day and get paid equal wages? Everyone with millions has their money handed over to the government and their assets liquidated? No...NO. You are responsible for you, and that man over there on the corner in tattered clothes is responsible for himself. Nobody put that crack pipe in his hand and told him to sell everything from the deed to his home to the shirt off his back.

You are really talking some crazy shit about a caste system. To even use such a word, you must have done some studying on Hinduism culture and society. And if you did, you should stop your perversions and controverting of the truth now, and share with everyone else the OTHER side of it: the forced marraiges within casts; the inability of a Brahmid to work the same job as an Untouchable without bringing shame upon his family, or at times, breaking "the law"!; and so on...NONE of which exist in our American society...NONE!!

I am also beginning to notice you did not list the parts of the system that you were involved in. Could it be that you were one of the fortunates born into a Middle-Class family, whom never had to worry about finances? And who's only struggles were ones of adventure and learning, such as building your own bike from scraps? I am starting to think, YES, and as such, you have NO RIGHT to speak on a system you aren't and were never a part of not working. I don't care what you think you witnessed with your friends, while you went back to the comfort of your own home. We should all feel PRIVELAGED to even HAVE such a shelter to go to in our times of need, where we aren't subject to dysentary, cholera, anorexia, and a hundred other terrible diseases.

If you want me to find the Welfare stubs and post them, this can be done. Because, like it or not, no matter how I speak, no matter my intelligence or grade point average, I am a product of a poor single-parent family, and this can never be changed; and the fact of the matter is, I looked inside myself to solve my problems, instead of projecting them towards others. And if that is not a successful system, I don't know what is.

Next you'll be saying Bush planned 9/11 and that Kim Jong Il "isn't so bad"...
Mar 13, 2003
tadou said:
Next you'll be saying Bush planned 9/11...
You really think he had absolutely nothing to do with it?

tadou said:
Are you suggesting we all revert to Communism and a secular society? You want us all to be Russians, now? We all work 8 hours a day and get paid equal wages? Everyone with millions has their money handed over to the government and their assets liquidated? No...NO. You are responsible for you, and that man over there on the corner in tattered clothes is responsible for himself. Nobody put that crack pipe in his hand and told him to sell everything from the deed to his home to the shirt off his back.
Over Half of the nation's wealth belongs to 1% of the popultion. I'm not saying communism is the answer, but tax cuts to the rich isn't going to help either. We wasted millions of dollars on a war over Oil... a commodity that our great President Bush has a lot of stock in. As a matter of fact, this is the same oil that built strong family ties between the Bin Laden family and the Bush family... did you know that on 9/12/01 the only non-millitary Jet Liner than had clearance to fly in the United States was a Saudi airplane that picked up the 22 members of the Bin Laden family that remained in the US and fly them out of the country. Isn't that wierd?

tadou said:
You are really talking some crazy shit about a caste system. To even use such a word, you must have done some studying on Hinduism culture and society. And if you did, you should stop your perversions and controverting of the truth now, and share with everyone else the OTHER side of it: the forced marraiges within casts; the inability of a Brahmid to work the same job as an Untouchable without bringing shame upon his family, or at times, breaking "the law"!; and so on...NONE of which exist in our American society...NONE!!
You act like I was using the referance to a "Caste System" as a good thing. I was not directly correlating our system with the Hindi system, because that would be fallacy. But to discuss the similarities of the castes would be a waste of time, because we are still debating on whether or not this system has faults.

tadou said:
I am also beginning to notice you did not list the parts of the system that you were involved in. Could it be that you were one of the fortunates born into a Middle-Class family, whom never had to worry about finances? And who's only struggles were ones of adventure and learning, such as building your own bike from scraps? I am starting to think, YES, and as such, you have NO RIGHT to speak on a system you aren't and were never a part of not working. I don't care what you think you witnessed with your friends, while you went back to the comfort of your own home. We should all feel PRIVELAGED to even HAVE such a shelter to go to in our times of need, where we aren't subject to dysentary, cholera, anorexia, and a hundred other terrible diseases.
Sorry there Tadou, but your assumption is wrong. I was not a member of one of those middle-class families. I don't even think it matters in this situation, so I'll spare you the sob story. In my mind, anytime somebody has more than they can use, while somebody else doesn't have enough, it's a failure in the system. When there's a Billion Dollar budget for Millitary Defense and Bake Sales for Public Schools, there's a failure in the system. Everytime that there is an Agent morphing into an unaware driver on the freeway, while a man has trouble accessing the nearest phone line for exit, there is a failure in the system. There is flaw, whether you choose to acknowledge it's existence it up to you.

tadou said:
If you want me to find the Welfare stubs and post them, this can be done. Because, like it or not, no matter how I speak, no matter my intelligence or grade point average, I am a product of a poor single-parent family, and this can never be changed; and the fact of the matter is, I looked inside myself to solve my problems, instead of projecting them towards others. And if that is not a successful system, I don't know what is.
That is a success story, I wonder why so many vetrans are on the street panhandling or why so many elderly people have to choose between buying medicine or eating cat food. I'm so glad your system works.
Apr 25, 2002
This is America friend, not France....and half that bullshit you just spewed made you sound exactly like the French....or even worse, like a Canadian. Of course...what use is defense when you have OTHER COUNTRIES or the UN to handle your defense, along with molding your policy when you're faced with a confrontation and handling your genitals whenever they decide its time for you to take a piss?

And with that in mind....what good is inventing your own gadgets instead of just waiting for someone else? Make the list, friend...Television, Microphones, Computers, the Internet, Windows, Keyboards, Cable, Stereos, Electricity...are you saying you would gave this all up if only "the system" worked universally from the get-go?

Millions of people sing compared to the few who make millions singing...should they lose their paycheck because John Williams came home from Vietnam staggering drunks, addicted to prostitution, incapable of accounting for themselves?

The good of the many will always outweigh the needs of the few...ALWAYS. A belief in any other system IS communism.

And do you mean to tell me by neglecting to list what parts of the system you were involved with, that you really WERE never involved in it? Welfare, Section 8, Food Stamps, Clothing Bank, Free Lunch...which of these? Lose your arrogant pride and show some humility...
Oct 17, 2002
tadou...shit homie. you couldn't be more out of touch with reality. i've never gone hungry or had to take charity or anything, my family is lower-middle class and i've had a pretty good life. BUT even i can see the flaws in the system. the same system that i can take advantage of as a white male coming from the middle class, FUCKS OVER so many groups of people it's not even funny...

you are fucked by the system if you are:
native american
923082039 other ethnicities
living in poverty
mentally retarded/mentally ill
a veteran
addicted to anything
etc etc etc

the system in this country is designed by the rich, to profit the rich. they don't want me, tadou, fridge or ANYBODY ELSE to join them in being rich- in fact they dont give a fuck what happens to us. if we could get them richer, then they might pretend to give a shit in order to manipulate us, but that is about it.

you gotta wake up to what's going on around you...and i know that tadou never will but a lot of people out there aren't so stubborn. the rich are getting richer, and the poor are getting poorer. do we continue to head in this direction?

it doesn't take communism to begin to fix things. it takes awareness and legislation- elect some people who aren't millionaires, for god's sake.
Apr 25, 2002
There is exactly TWO of those i agree with:
mentally retarded/mentally ill

For the mentally ill, there are ways to get free medicine (prozac, anabuse, wellbutrin, and so on). And for the disabled...look around. Go to a college every once in a while, and see how many disabled parking spots there is. Walk around you city and see how many ramps there are, because they are all over the place and new ones are being built every day. And for the mentally retarded...lets see...WE DONT MURDER THEM OR THROW THEM IN A CELL LIKE OTHER COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD **STILL** DO.

Who's the one out of touch with reality? You act like you won't be happy until every man, woman, and child of every color has someone to wipe their ass for them. When in reality, there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with wiping your OWN ASS and TAKING CARE OF YOUR OWN SHIT.

I dont need anybody of any color telling me SHIT about a system. Did it slip your mind that i was an Oreo, or what? I'm not exactly one of the most coveted races, you know. And still, the only problems i have had are what i have created.

Stand up and take responsibility for your actions.....its people like you who stagnate change...not I.
Mar 13, 2003
So, you are comparing living to wiping ass?

That's funny, 'cause the people who are getting there "ass wiped" are the people in power. Infact, there so content with having there "ass wiped", they built a system that ensures they will get there "ass wiped" and any other people who want there "ass wiped" will have to work harder, making the rich more money, just to solidify there spot of getting "hand me down butt wiping". Because there are a handful of men who control this nation's wealth, they are in charge of the stock markets, they built this system to abuse it. They reap the rewards of a "fresh wiped ass" while throwing shit down on the hard working americans, delaying any chance they'll ever have of getting there "ass wiped".

I'm not against the American people, these are the people who invented Television, Microphones, Computers, the Internet, Windows, Keyboards, Cable, Stereos, Electricity and many other things. But the inventors see pennies ont eh dollar of wha tthere invnetions make, if they are lucky. Corporate America buys up the property rights before they allow it to go into mass production, where these things are all used to fatten the rich man's pocket. Then they spend millions and millions on propaganda (advertising) to make the poor man think he needs this stuff, 'cause him to work more hours just to provide the unnecasary to his brainwashed family.

Don't go trying to compare my views to any other country's views, because incase you didn't know, this coutnry was supposed to be built on free speech. So anything I choose to say, IS an American point of view, for your information.
May 17, 2002
well im jumping in this a little late but here is my take on "the system" i have been through it in many different ways, but ill use the last instance as an example, cuz that was more of a "grown-up" situation which i can garuntee 99.99% of you never had to go through. i had taken custody of my daughter because her mother was dating an abusive drug addict which in turn, turned her into an abusive drug addict. they were heavily on drugs and both going in and out of jail, so i had taken my daughter and then her mom disapeared for a year and a half. for a year and a half i was stretched beyond my means from a "flawed system" i am the father of my child, my name is on the birth cirtificate, i have been there since day one, paid my child support on time everytime, BUT for some strange reason, the state will not stop child support garnishments unless i can provide proof of the change in circumstance....well how is one supposed to do that? she didnt work, she didnt have her own place? so even though i am providing for my child 100% of the costs of living, i am still paying her mother 305 dollars a month for child support, and no, i didnt owe any back support.

THEN since i had no other way besides the birth cirtificate to prove i was the father, i couldnt get any help from the state for childcare, i mean hell what does a birth cirtificate prove, so now i am paying 700.00 a month for daycare. so now i am 1005.00 in the hole a month. so in order to get these "rights" that any father SHOULD have, i now have to pay crazy money for tests and documents and all this shit to get my rights.

now we go to the courts, i spent 1 year doing all my court footwork myself, missed countless hours of work going to court dates and all that, and i shit you not the last day possible, 15 minutes before they signed the paperwork to give me custody, the mom shows up and fucks everything up, so now i am having to come out of pocket 6,000.00 TO START! for a lawyer just to keep my child from going back to a known drug addict who abandened her child.....needless to say i spent alot more money and alot more time to get custody....but the kicker is, this happens all the time to good fathers who do the right thing, they are fucked in the ass while the women can do what they want and they still get the benifit of the doubt.

there is a "system"
the "system" is flawed

look at the facts of the system, the system might work for you, but i garuntee that the system wont work for 250,000 other people who are in a close situation, all because of a certain date, or you make a little too much money even though you are making 8 dollars an hour and have rent car food clothes daycare, you didnt turn something in on time cuz you have a million other things you have to get done so now you are cut off, you have to wait 1 fucking year to get on section 8 cuz you are a guy and you are in a non emergency even though you obviously cant afford the shitty house you are in. i mean its all spelled out, the system could be alot better, if you want help you will find it one way or the other but how long is it gonna take? are you gonna have the necissary documents? do you make enough money? do you not make enough money? can you prove your situation? blah blah blah.....people who need help deserve it, they dont deserve to get shuffled, delayed, turned away for any reason whatsoever.
BUT on the flip side there are alot of people that do abuse the system and that is one reason why it is the way it is, i just think it could be alot better and more effective and get its job done easier......i have spoken.....lol
Apr 25, 2002
There will always be people who slip through the cracks, friend. And with all due respect, in your situation, this is one of those circumstances where perhaps you should have thought twice about having pre-marital sex and not getting married to your partner. This is not saying you aren't a good, moral person...but all these problems had their roots with you taking it upon yourself to impregnate a woman while not being married to her.

When you let your emotions run rampant...things happen. Lawyers are expensive...you dont go to school for 8 years and intern for another 5 to get paid chump change.

Next caller.....

If you can't get the ass wiping metaphor you never will. You act as though just because some people have billions that everyone should at "least" have millions. And the world doesn't work that way. Every generation, you either move up or you move down in wealth--this is not debatable. And that success or decline is all on the backs of people like me and you...NOT the people born into rich families, simply carrying on their legacy, and more importantly, their family businesses.

And...A "handfull" of rich people? Uh...hello? You consider over 2.7 million people to be a "handfull"? In that case, why'd we get so pissed off over 9/11? Wasn't that just a grain of sand? When are you going to get over all this rhetoric?

"Then they spend millions and millions on propaganda (advertising) to make the poor man think he needs this stuff, 'cause him to work more hours just to provide the unnecasary to his brainwashed family" -- I see commercials for automobiles all the time...does that mean i feel compelled to rush out and buy a brand new 20k car? Of course not. Are you trying to say that all poor people are too stupid to understand advertising and spend their money wisely, or what? I mean, seriously...when does the propaganda end?

Friend, you have made it blatantly obvious in these last few posts that you were never poor or broke, and you only knew or knew of people who were. And thats all cool--I know people who are middle-class like you. But that doesn't mean that, out of my friends, I am the one who dropped out of school and gave up because of all the pressure; in fact, i am doing better than most of them because i HAVE been through the system...

Let me ask you this question then, since you won't answer the other one......What gives you the right as a middle-class white man to tell a poor colored man that the system that he is thriving and succeeding in isn't working?
May 13, 2002
Tadou, open your eyes man...

There is a nice little forum called "The gathering of minds" located here at the Sicc. You should drop by from time to time and learn a few things.

Let me point out a few good threads.

Videos-Just in case you don't feel like reading

Armed Police invade HighSchool

Read about how Amerikkka is responsible for Millions and Millions of Deaths in Latin America

U.S. kills 3,197 people on September 11th

Bush Administration Behind Failed Military Coup in Venezuela

Brutal Police Tricks

Destruction of Iraqi Homes Within 'Rules of War'

http://www.siccness.net/vb/showthre...ush administration slashes veteran’s benefits

All of these, minus the Latin Amerikkka thread, are all from the first five pages.

These are just a few examples of the evils of America that effect not only the people in our own country but in the entire world. This is just a product of Capitalism.
May 13, 2002
LMAO@Your 2.7 million rich people stat!

There are over 350 Million people in this country.

What is that? 0.0007??!?!?!?!

Which means that less then 1% of the population owns over 50% of the entire wealth.

This also means that less then 1% of the population controls the country.

Do we live in a Democracy? Hell no. It's only a Democracy for the rich.:dead: :dead: :dead: :dead:
Apr 25, 2002
^^ Uh, i put my figure at 270 million, the last guess i heard. So i guess what you're saying is, in the past few years, we've made 800,000 more millionaires? Thats TERRIFIC!

"Its a free country"...ever hear this expression? You work, you make money. You work smarter instead of harder, you make even more money.

As for your other wack post...what does any of that have to do with social or economic programs? Friend, what i am talking about here is food stamps, section 8, and the like. Not "Is the Bush Administration poisoning our water supply?!"--like some deranged, perverted political schoolgirl gossiping.

There are problems all over the world, which is why there are people like you and me: you, to point them out while you whine and complain and spew your "capitalist" rhetoric; and me, to do the noble task of solving them.
Mar 13, 2003
tadou said:
Let me ask you this question then, since you won't answer the other one......What gives you the right as a middle-class white man to tell a poor colored man that the system that he is thriving and succeeding in isn't working?
Ummm, for the record Tadou, you got me all wrong. But that's cool, because you pretty much got everything wrong here... so I don't feel offended.

You are cold hearted though, especially what you said to Bane. You'll never get it until it hits home, and obviously since the system worked for you it must work for everyone. I think we're gonna have to hang out some time, because I just don't get you... but I'd sure like to give it a try.
May 17, 2002
he just liked turning the arguments around, i mean as soon as i proved it from my stand point he had to bypass what the whole topic was about and shift it to the fact that i got someone pregnant....lol we all know this conversation wasnt based on THE CHOICES we made that led us to the system, it was based on if the system in itself.....lol nice try taddy.
May 13, 2002
tadou said:
^^ Uh, i put my figure at 270 million, the last guess i heard. So i guess what you're saying is, in the past few years, we've made 800,000 more millionaires? Thats TERRIFIC!
This is what you stated, "And...A "handfull" of rich people? Uh...hello? You consider over 2.7 million people to be a "handfull"?"

Just so there is no confusion...

2,700,000 rich people.


Can you do the math?

"Its a free country"...ever hear this expression? You work, you make money. You work smarter instead of harder, you make even more money.
Yeah it's a free country to obey the rules of the system. Don't you think it's unfair that a wealthy family can pick and choose which school their children will attend? If they can pay the big bucks, their kids will have the best education possible, while the average Joe can only send their kids to a public-shit school, which is obviously inferior? Who has the advantage?
So how are you, 19 year old, planning on working "smarter" and making the big bucks? Please share with us this amazing idea that no one else has thought of.

As for your other wack post...
And why is it "wack"? You probably didn't even read anything, just as I thought.

There are problems all over the world, which is why there are people like you and me: you, to point them out while you whine and complain and spew your "capitalist" rhetoric; and me, to do the noble task of solving them.
What "noble task" are you doing to solve these problems? How the fuck can YOU solve problems if you are too blind to see them in the first place?

All right, Taduo. Explain to me HOW we can fix the current health care problem. Explain to me HOW we can fix the current education problem. Explain to me HOW we can fix the police brutality problem. Explain to me HOW we can fix the unemployment problem. Explain to me how we can fix the poverty problem. Explain to me HOW we can fix the prison problem. Explain to me HOW we can fix the high violence problem. Since it is your "noble task" to solve these problems, please, inform us.
Dec 18, 2002
tadou said:
I dont know what you've been told....but the system DOESN'T fail. If 2pac had wanted to go to college and get a bachelor's degree or become a doctor, the only thing holding him back would be himself. But you don't slip through the cracks unless you ALLOW yourself to slip through the cracks.

"you can only appreciate what he had done and wonder what more he would have done if he wasn't taken from us so prematurely" -- but he was. And he wasn't taken from us in the reflexive person.....another man took his life and murdered him, most likely because 2pac flew off the handle and did some ignorant shit. And, yes, we are ALL capable of ignorant shit.

Thats all cool that you could start a memorial to him here, and paraphrase his eulogy, but you really aren't impressing me. Give him the benefit of the doubt all you'd like...but the bottom line is, he went out by the same violence he advocated, most likely after stomping someone out on some bullshit. Not by a bullet because he was such a "visionary", while he was delivering a rallying cry to the projects or handing out Thanksgiving turkeys.

I've read all i need to read on the man. And with all due respect, I have more important things to dive into at this time. See, i came from welfare and section 8 and food stamps too...and now i'm on the path to graduation, because i refused to believe the "system" couldn't work for me if i wanted it to. And now, it is.
I didnt even type this and i wish you knew what you were talking about...lol
Dec 18, 2002
plus...where does tadou live?? he has no idea about the system and how it DOESNT work for ALOT of people, it worked for him because he lives in the suburbs, is white, and probably has a comfortable life because he is not poor, hes speaking from true ignorance.
Jun 13, 2002
you gotta be smart to use the system and get everything you can out of it. dont blame others or the system blame yourself... you CAN get anything you want if you work hard and smart for it.
Jun 13, 2002
recently my SSI was cut in half due to the fact that they have been over paying because they didnt know my mom was receiving child support when she has told them for years. so now we owe $6,000 and the ssi is cut in half and you know what? i still belive in the system, people need to quit bitchin and DEAL WITH IT. shit happens and youre not gonna come out on top everytime. ive learned to deal with everything in my life from almost dying at 1 1/2, being permanently disabled, barely getting by, crackhead parents, living with depression that was passed on from family and i dont know what else but you have to deal with it. period.
Mar 13, 2003
Man, the system works AGAINST people. If you don't fit the mold, you have to struggle. How are you gonna blame a small child for starving? How are you going to blame a Senor Citizin that worked hard all of their life when their medicare runs out? How can you blame a guy that worked hard all his life to build up senority in a job that once flourished, but now is obselete due to new technology. The blame needs to go on the people running this country. A president that stole his spot as the most paid president in history with a cabinet full of millioniares? I'm gonna root for the underdog in this one, because they need all the support they can get.