What you guys don't understand is that this place is for "fun." Its proven that the majority of people will not act as they normally would when on the internet 99% of you will lie about who you are, what you do, and mostly, you'll act in a manner that you would not typically ever act like in person. Its because you can remain anonymous on the internet. You'll meet very few people in person. So, you act the fool, or the jerk, or the asshole.
There are very few that will be sincere. I've tried to be sincere, and I give you the room to harrass, tease, and talk shit about me. Why? Because I know this place does NOT matter in the true scheme of life.
So, talk ALL the shit you want; change my sig, moderator, change my name, all you PROVE TO ME IS THAT YOU ARE AS LITTLE, IGNORANT, AND STUPID AS I THOUGHT YOU WERE!