Ive written/spoken english at a college level since the beginning of 11th grade (my 1st college quarter starts this fall)...there's 1.
Spanish, hace dos anos que yo estudio el espanol, been studying for 2 years.....i'd guess 1 year til im fluent.
Italian, i fuck around with and look up words/verbs (its
VERY similar to Spanish) in my spare time for a hobby (im a fun person, huh?)....i'd guess another 2 years til im fluent.
So by age 20, ill be fluent, or NEAR-fluent in 3 languages......by age 23-24, i'd guess, ill be rapping in all 3 languages..(i just now realized that i sound like a conceited little prick..sorry
In my opinion, Everybody should learn a 2nd language...unless you want your job taken by someone named Ortencio Itanez who has your same exact skills AND can interpret