4SidedDie... please explain.

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Sicc OG
Apr 5, 2006
Yeah she called me the other night saying she was going to press charges but I said you were 18 in that picture So she just put a restraining order on me and she was trying toget you guys shut down but she doesnt have that kind of power without a lawyer
i see what you're trying to do, and it's not gonna work. (turning the negative attention back against her, trying to get back in the open forums good graces)

we don't like that bitch, but we don't like you either, and having a common enemy will not take away from the fact that you're a pathetic lying piece of shit...

nobody on here will ever respect you or believe anything you say again.

also, your chin is terrifying.
Jul 4, 2009
i see what you're trying to do, and it's not gonna work. (turning the negative attention back against her, trying to get back in the open forums good graces)

we don't like that bitch, but we don't like you either, and having a common enemy will not take away from the fact that you're a pathetic lying piece of shit...

nobody on here will ever respect you or believe anything you say again.

also, your chin is terrifying.
Im not trying to do anything Im giving yall a piece of mind as to whats goin on


Sicc OG
Feb 8, 2004
do yall think his parents went for a record similar to our long thread? maybe they was like lets make the worlds longest chin ever?