Ayo I aint really got no problems wit the nigga 4SidedDie nahmeans. Matter fact I aint really know who the nigga was til bout 5 threads ago n shit namsayin. But yo jus so i aint step on this nigga toes or nothin like that…cos the god sincerely wish the little nigga the utmost success but yo Imma hafta keep it really 100 wit yalls. But that niggas chin is bigger than the moon nahmeans. Mac Tonight lookin nigga. This some shit for them happymeals nahmeans. Ayo a nigga look like Jay Leno's son and shit. Ayo a nigga look like a retarded farm animal namsayin. A nigga probably see a vet for a doctor. Ayo a nigga's chin is so big everytime he look down he stabs himself in the chest nahmeans. Ayo you think bout that namsayin. Word.
Aight peace.
Aight peace.