the reason for deleting my stuff is because of court orders.
and i'm not going to have the cops investigate because of
this, that's just stupid. i admitted to being 18 in that one
picture of me naked, i was talking about a different picture.
so consider this night dispute dumb. but i just ask that no
one judges me before they actually get to know me, that's
what pissed me off tonight, just so you all know. didn't read
what people said about me the other day till tonight. so i'm
sorry that i said that i have shit on some of you. it's not like
i was going to do anything with it in the first place. just don't
judge before you get to know who i really am now and not
who i was a few years ago, because that was an ignorant,
gullible emily. that thought she knew what "love" was all about.