Awe man here we go....ok so what u sayin is, that because Corso & Bowden said the Pac 10 is the best, then that makes it a fact?? haha u are a pure-joke homie!!! Secondly u had this debate before and won, well sorry u wont win this time cause we both have opinions, so neither of us will be right or wrong!! U go to the extreme homie!! So where are your facts...not national titles..haha!! And yes O. Smith is one of the best RB's, but he is not in the heisman race, and he will not be a great pro, because of his size!! See I dont mind givin some pac 10 foos credit, but u seem to have a prob on the other end!!! So there u have it..Big 10 Baby..L.J.!!!!! GOT EM!!!!