360-370-million-year-old arm bone

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May 13, 2002
What do some christians believe? The earth is only 6,000 years old or some shit?

A tiny fossil found by a road cutting in Pennsylvania, US, could be the earliest example of an arm bone.
The 360-370-million-year-old humerus, or upper arm bone, indicates that limbs may have evolved for use in water and not to get around on land.

It suggests the earliest limbed animals were fish navigating shallow rivers, but its place in the evolutionary tree is the subject of some controversy.

US biologists have published details of the discovery in the journal Science.

The evolutionary process that transformed fins into limbs is poorly understood, despite being a key transition in evolution.

It led to the emergence of tetrapods, four-legged vertebrates that mostly live on land. Before tetrapods, vertebrates were confined to water.

Rest of article
Mar 18, 2003
2-0-Sixx: When you say the Earth is 6,000 years old are you going by what Christians think or by what you have learned? I ask because I am taking California Geology right now and there is conclusive evidence that the earth is over a billion years old.
May 13, 2002
SOAK::GAME said:
how do all of you believe the universe came to existence? where did we come from?
My favorite cry baby has suddenly re-appeared!

I dont remember reading anything on this thread about "how the universe was created". I believe this thread was intended to spark debate on Earths age. However, I will state that there are several different theories that state the universe has always existed. No beggining, No end. Just reality.


Sicc OG
Oct 2, 2002
559_CentralEne said:
I've never met a christian who believed that
most, if not all, christian fundementalists believe it. i think even according to the bible, the earth is only 6000 years old
Mar 18, 2003
SOAK::GAME said:
how do all of you believe the universe came to existence? where did we come from?
I believe the beginning was created by God, but not 6,000 years ago. There is more than enough proof that says it much older, Dinosaur fossils alone prove it. Pangea and plate tectonics prove it as well.
Feb 9, 2003
shep said:
i think even according to the bible, the earth is only 6000 years old
I think those numbers came about from people that tried to recount the earth back following the geneaologies found in the bible. That doesn't mean the earth is x years old. Matter of fact,and a little of topic, I believe that Adam and Eve were not the first humans either, they were the start of Judeism, but not humanity.

28g w/o the bag

politically incorrect
Jan 18, 2003
metro's jurisdiction
Nitro the Guru said:
I believe the beginning was created by God, but not 6,000 years ago. There is more than enough proof that says it much older, Dinosaur fossils alone prove it. Pangea and plate tectonics prove it as well.
when you think of it, no matter what you believe in, whether it's creationism or evolution, it's all far-fetched and each belief has it's share of unanswered questions.


Sicc OG
Nov 19, 2002
thats some crazy shit to think of regardles of religion.

to think that some little fella named nemo thought to himself one day that hed had enough of the sharks, hed had enough of always being wet, "isnt it right to breathe?". and god cast this lil fella upon the land with arms for fins, and feet for walking, this lil fella became a prince.
Apr 1, 2004
askG said:
thats some crazy shit to think of regardles of religion.

to think that some little fella named nemo thought to himself one day that hed had enough of the sharks, hed had enough of always being wet, "isnt it right to breathe?". and god cast this lil fella upon the land with arms for fins, and feet for walking, this lil fella became a prince.

But not only did it need arms and feet, it needed to change it's entire lung structure and chest cavity in order to breathe air instead of water. The chance of any ONE of those mutations occuring by itself is a million to one, the chance that all of those mutations occured together is literally trillions to one. Yet these evolutionists maintain these beliefs like they're fact. It's more likely that 2-0-Sixx will get struck by lightining a dozen times while being bitten by a great white shark while winning 30 different lotteries in different states while getting a hole in one on the golf course blindfolded.

Also, regarding the age of the earth, is it any coincidence that recorded human history only goes back a few thousands years? Any scientist will tell you that civilization itself only started about 5-6 thousand years ago, coincedentally at the same time that, according to the Bible, the world was created.

These evolutionists need to admit that their belief system takes just as much IF NOT MORE faith to believe than Christianity.

A quick point for 2-0-Sixx to ponder:
If life on earth was, indeed, around for millions of years, we would be on a stack of bones ten miles high from all of the dead animals. Where are all the fossils 2-0-Sixx? Sure, there are some fossils out there, but if the world has been around for a billion years, then you and I would be standing on a heap of carcasses.

The evolutionary belief system is seriously flawed. At first they told us that evolution took millions of years. When the fossils proved otherwise, they told us that evolution can happen quickly, in a matter of a few generations. Funny, evolution is only a 150 years old, and the whole theory is already falling apart. Christianity is 2000 years old, and Judaism even older, and they've stood the test of time.
Apr 25, 2002
I don't know if he was Christian or what but I know a dude that doesn't believe in Dinosaurs and all kinds of other crazy shit. There was another crazy belief he had about clouds but I can't quite rememeber it. A buddy of mine told him his religion fuckin sucks and he got realllllll mad hahahaha
Dec 18, 2002
rectal...you dont know much do you? evolution doesnt occur by chance, is it chance that we have a type of human bein on earth who's skin is permantly dark because of generations in a hot climate? so it was just a chance that their body evolved into a form that helped them deal with the harsh climate? its just a chance that people who live in higher elevations have a bigger lung capacity to breathe easier? its called adaption to nature, if a species is constantly getting eaten they wouldnt slowly develop the ability to get away from their predators all together?

it takes a certain process for a bone to fossilize, all bones dont fossilize genius, we found the bones that fossilized and the rest disentegrated into the earth. religion is self centered, it is focused on the importance of our presence as humans since were so "superior" a divine form of us had to have created us right?

hold on let me paraphrase what you said for a more intelligent reader:

"so god said bang and the earth appeared and people were here and naked then snake eve apple evil bad human clothes existence writing jesus bad jews crucifixtion bible christianity evolution stupid your going to hell"