Jimmy is right. That would make more sense to have a whole hip-hop awards show. The artists who got nominated sent in their albums for submission and all those artists listed play around san diego, and get mentioned in the reader and city beat which is whatever cause both those publications are bullshit anyways. You have to crossover to get any shine here because we have no hip-hop radio stations. You have to get played on 94.9 and 91x. And rap and hip-hop is just as different as hard rock and alternative. You can't place aesop rock and gucci mane in the same category. Bottom line the event is to raise money for kids, its not going to get you signed and boost your career if you get nominated or win!
only thing I see it as is something to talk about when I am older....do I think it's a big deal, not really, although performing there will be cool, cause a.) all the bookers for Venues in SD will be there, along with most of the other "Industry Professionals". b) It's televised....and I get to gig out.
but yeah, a SD Hip Hop awards would be dope...I know Cros1 wants to get it popping when he gets back, I am sure access would be involved as well as some of the siccness staff...alot of people. just come together with tact discuss the categories....nominate some folks, have performers from every genre, and have it be a vote of your peers.....get some local sponsors...and host it at a nice venue....that's it...
just a little planning, and some loot.