this shit is silly. as far as canes 11-0 record, a few of those ones were suspect as well.
what really kills me is how this dude puts up a half assed audio and then tries to justify it by saying that he only performs to the level of his competition. well if that is the case then why even bother?
if you guys want to run a real battle then i suggest you use the following rules.
APPOINT judges.
to make sure the judges actually listen, tell them they need at least 2 quotes from each audio.
they need to give at least a 5 sentence reason for giving their vote the way they did.
you need to make a voting thread and a "beef" thread so that way no matter how many judges you have their voting isnt cluttered with a bunch of shit talking.
most impartantly you need to come up with proper judging criteria. to vote against someone because they sound like they are from "95" is retarded.
you should vote on mic presence, flow (did they sound choppy or smooth), punch lines (where they generic or did they sound like they actually were written for the battle) quality (did dude sound like he threw it together in 5 minutes or did he take time with it) and so on and so on.
last but not least 86 the dickriders. get some judges who every one can at least mostly agree on. maybe some vets from the boards.
you need to enforce strict rules.
you dont need to use the same beat that is just silly, who cares.
if no one cares about doing this the right way then it really shouldnt be done at all.