2003-2004 NBA Drafts

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May 19, 2002
Yall keep sayin who will get who, but we wont know that until the lottery is announced, so dont worry about what team cause its ping balls that will annouce that, but regardless who gets #1 James will go #1!!! GOT EM!!!!
Apr 25, 2002
hey smart guy you cant even do spell check on peoples names, an you knew who the fuck I was talkin about.............so again I say dont act like you are literate an you like the raiders cuz thats a oxymoron...............spell check that
May 10, 2002
Im not sayin LeBron WONT go number 1...did i say that???NO...so shut the fuck up...i said I THINK Carmello...key word bein THINK...as in my OPINION...Anthony...should go ahead of LeBron...GOT YOU!!!!!
May 10, 2002
Fuck u trick ass bitch!!! Shit your square ass up!! Uza mark potna!! James will go number 1 and it will be well deserving trick!! GOT EM!!!
LOL...are you mad?Are you gonna fuckin cry?Stop actin like a fuckin child and respect my opinion fag...and stop suckin James' cock so hard...

Ima say it one more time for the cheap seats...Carmello is better in my opinion...fuck off..
May 19, 2002
Your opinion sucks!! U are a chump, and u have proved that time and time again by puttin me on ignore!! U cant even handle sports talk trick!! U are the biggest crybaby on this board!! Go get some tissue mane!! Fuck u and your opinion!! Get Carmelo's nuts off your chin!! U figure since u jock Carmelo so much u could atleast spell his name right trick!! James will go number 1!!! GOT EM!!!
May 10, 2002
I wasnt the one that got all butt hurt cus i said that Carmelo was better than your lil canal pal...whos cryin now slut???Fuck off...and get a life...bye-bye then!!!GOT YOU!!!!

Youre fuckin gay...get over yourself...

By the way...Learn some fuckin respect child...you act like a fuckin 6 year old...do you need timeout widdle baby???You need your bottle of milk???

And i must not be on dudes nuts that much...i dont even know how to spell his name...hmmmmm...yet you know LeBrons stats back to when he was in diapers...whos the dick-sucker now fag???Thought so...fuck off...
May 19, 2002
U are the biggest pussy here, I bet u put me on ignore again trick!! I do this all day potna!! First off I actually like Carmelo idiot, but he aint goin in the draft before James!! Learn about it mark!! Stop cryin and gettin all worked up over me schoolin u in this sports shit!!! Uza bitch ass mark forreal!!! U will never get respect from me, cause I dont respect pussies!!! GOT EM!!!
May 10, 2002
U are the biggest pussy here, I bet u put me on ignore again trick!! I do this all day potna!! First off I actually like Carmelo idiot, but he aint goin in the draft before James!! Learn about it mark!! Stop cryin and gettin all worked up over me schoolin u in this sports shit!!! Uza bitch ass mark forreal!!! U will never get respect from me, cause I dont respect pussies!!! GOT EM!!!

Are you fuckinm that stupid guy???QUOTE WHERE I SAID ANTHONY WAS GOIN BEFORE JAMES!!!!!!!!!ARE YOU FUCKIN BLIND???OR JUST A RIGHT OUT IDIOT???DO YOU DRESS YOURSELF IN THE MORNING OR DOES YOUR MOM???Stupid ass...for bein such a sports guru...you lack alotta common sense dipshit..and you come off pretty damn retarded...did you ride the short bus to school?Maybe you still do ride the short bus...

i dont give a fuck if you respect me or not kid...go jack off...
Mar 18, 2003
Don't trip Purebred, when you school his ass, he will wlays put words in your mouth. He can never admit when he is wrong so when you school him in every aspect, he has nothing left to do but make shit up and argue that and leave you saying "when the fuck did I say that" It on everyday occurance for me when im schoolin his ass. You got him though don't trip!
May 19, 2002
Ooooohh Im shivering in my boots mane!! Stop schoolon me nitro kb & poorbread bitch!! Haha!! Yall both belong together cause neither of yall know shit about sports!! Nitro talkin bout His teams conference (fresno) gives 2 automatic bids, and poorbread suckin Anthony's dick but cant even spell his name!! Haha!! Here give me your addresses and I will send yall my book........"Basketball........U Can Learn To"!!!! Haha!! GOT EM!!!
Mar 18, 2003
Don't get mad cause your ass gets schooled on the daily. The WAC sends two teams year after year thats all that matters. Who has the most NFL rings Czar! Hahahahaha, oh that shit cracks me up every time. Who is going to win the NFL MVP Michael who? The list goes on Hahahaha@!
May 19, 2002
So whats your point?? Let me explain again since u cant seem to get it!! I make predictions in all the sports I like, and so Vick didnt win MVP, whats your point?? U damn sure didnt pick the right MVP winner!! Ko-Me didnt win MVP either!! Hahahaahahahhah!!!! Sorry pal!! GOT EM!!!
Mar 18, 2003
Thats another, you predicted McGrady to win the MVP, thanks for letting another one of your flop predictions be known. Hahahahaha you keep digging yourself deeper into these holes.
May 19, 2002
What hole are u talkin bout?? 2ndly I never picked McGrady to win, that was Bammer. I picked Duncan and he did win it!! U act like all your predictions are right!! We can start to have a contest on several predictions and keep track and see who gets more right!! U never point out your wrong picks though...how come?? Haha!! U garbage mane!! GOT EM!!!
May 19, 2002
No homie I dont get mad!! I aint the one that gets his panties in a bunch and put people on ignore!! Hahaha!! U are the biggest crybaby and pussy here!! Atleast nitro dont put me on ignore and cry about it like u!! I can debate with him and not have to resort to callin him a pussy or shit like that, because he atleast can take that I school him on a daily basis!! But u on the other hand, u are a wuss mane forreal!! Go get some sharman and catch those tears mane!! I enjoy this shit!! GOT EM!!!
May 10, 2002
Awwwwwwwwww....you really hurt my feewings...thats not very nice fatty!

I put you on ignore cus you annoy me...and i didnt wanna read youre annoyin biased sports views...you have no respect...and youre a hater...plain & simple...you take shit talkin a lil too far...and as proven...you drop down to 2nd grade level tactics when someone pulls your card...but im not mad at you...

And i read your post sometimes so i can get a good laugh...youre a funny guy KINGPHAG!

**----------HIT THE SHOWERS---------**
May 19, 2002
Fatty huh!! U got sumthin against fat people mane!! Just curious, cause I think thats what u meant by that word, but Im dont know!! Anyway uza speck to me, and a trick! Just for the fact that I annoy u by talkin sports on a internet board and put me on ignore, means u are lil sissy!! We have fun on here talkin shit and bein competitive and u resort to gettin butt hurt and put me on ignore!! Haha, not that I care, cause I did and will continue to post, but it was just funny when u first said that, I was like what a fuckin sissy!!! Go home lil girl, u aint worth my time!! Haha!! GOT EM!!!
May 10, 2002
Oh no...you called me a sissy...im so hurt...from now on ima call you KINGCARTMAN...fat ass...cus youre a fat bitch...

See?I can call you names like a 2nd grader...just like you!!!!Cool huh???

Well anyways...this has been fun lil boy...but ima grown man...so ima stop now...only kids argue over the net...ok then ...bye bye now...

**----------HIT THE SHOWERS---------**

P.S. Im right...and youre wrong...