20+ dead at virginia tech

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Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
surgurliman said:
honestly,I AM, ur wrong for calling the victims pussies.u werent there and neither was i,so we dont know what exactly took place in them classrooms.for all we know sum of the students attempted to do exactly what u said u woulda done,but got killed in the process of trynna take dude down...ur rushing to judgment thinking that nobody tried anything.
i'm pretty sure that i said something along the lines of this. i know i wasn't there, i never said i was. i didn't say, "i know exactly what happened." IF I did, then QUOTE it...otherwise, don't generalize what I said...

DJ Rob...you are right, I am on a higher plane than you, and you don't understand what I'm saying or where I'm coming from....OH WELL...quit replyin if you don't care what i/we say....go choke on a dick.
Aug 24, 2003
HERESY said:
You know who it was who called you out in the GOM forum. You gave every excuse known to man not to meet up (with a person in your area) because you know you were gonna get the taste slapped out your mouth.
you have me confused with someone else because this never happened to me. i seriously dont know what the hell you are talking about
Aug 24, 2003
dude ill only say it one more time and im 100% dead serious i have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. it had to have been someone else because it was not me

are you sure youre not thinking about that leezilla fag who got chased off of here awhile ago
Aug 24, 2003
HERESY said:
You know EXACTLY what I'm talking about. You are the only person with big blue letters butcher. In fact, you're the only person in 26 with big blue letters. And no I'm not thinking of lee, lee isn't in the 206.
all i can do is shake my head and laugh that you believe something so vigilantly that never happened

whatever man


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
I was lookin through some of the pics...found this one...dude was a nut...

i'm just waiting for people to call for stricter laws and then all our privacy will really be fucked because...people are scared. FEAR is a great motivator but only when you have to deceive people.

here's the pic i saw...and some bullets...
Mar 12, 2005
HERESY said:
PAY ATTENTION TO THE WORD IN BOLD. You've sunk your argument again.
OK Attorney, I wasn't even trying to argue, just shocked at your response.
No, the fact that you sai dyou would have done somethign sinks your argument, It contradicts your first reply to me in more ways than one.
Ok, whatever, I'm just still in shock and grieving for their families.
I don't know why I AM started saying what he said. Maybe you all pushed him over the edge by not comprehending what he was trying to convey and he took a "fuck em all" attitude. Be thankful he didn't snap and shove a bullet in your spleen.
Well too bad, because you're the only two people that agree with each other.
Here it is you have SATURATED this board with spiritual and righteous shit, yet you are failing to take a david and goliath approach, and others see that stockton.
Well then will you leave out the parable of switching th e other cheek?
Thats religious persecution and an ENTIRELY different from a crazed manic coming to kill you. These people were not religious martyrs stockton, so on what grounds are you making a comparrison?
So would you say the same thing for that columbine girl that was shot when one of the gunmen said, "Do you love God and are you ready to die for him?" Huh?
Heresy said:
See above. You're a dumb ass for comparing two different scenarios. Was moses wrong for killing the egyptian? Was david wrong for slaying Goliath? Was samson wrong for fighting the philistines? Was joshua wrong for fighting the Anak? Was Gideon wrong for fighting with 300 men? Stop twisting the bible to make it fit your needs.
THERE'S A DIFFERENCE, IT WAS BY DIVINE DECREE, so what are you trying to say then. I don't give a fuck. I'm just going to finally leave this thread, unless some faggot ass foo says something, I'm not calling you or Ryan Fags, just saying anyone would say something dumb. The fact that you co-signed with Ryan about them not doing shit and being pussies, well you didn't agree on the pussy part, kind of made me think you were advocating for the pussy saying. I don't give a fuck, people died and we're arguing over nothing, BOTH of us making stupid biblical comparisons. I'm out
Apr 25, 2002
Since the last time my response was RIP to the dead Imma have to say this.

Dude had his own psycological trauma that was built inside from all the shit he's put up with. In Asian culture the parents are the first to be hard on their kids about being someone in America. Im sure dude got his ass beat since he was little if he got a "B" or less in his grades. Yea he was an outcast like many members of the siccness. He got picked on teased' etc....
Okay so now they say he was in a mental institute back in 2005. I dont know but in california if you even get caught with some kind of infraction when you go to purchase a firearm that shit pops up. The motherfucker yea I'm calling any idiot that sells a firearm to someone that dont look right should be probable in those 33 deaths. Im assuming its some fat middle aged, almost balding and doesnt give a fuck who he sells a gun to as long as he's selling one.

So the facts are he bought a few guns, a 9mm and a .22mm handguns. I dont know how the firearms are in other states but when you buy a handgun you walk away with 2 clips, and that they are 10 rounds apiece. Ive tried numerous of times to get 17 round clips in Cali and Its damn near impossible unless you got connections or you buy it from some idiot thats out to make money.
Ive shot plenty of 22 caliber pistols and rifles. Theres no way in hell that some balistics expert could tell me a .22 round could penetrate through a human body and exit to possibly give another fatal shot to someone near by. The 9mm can. Dude had to have 40 rounds all together. Lets say for the weak of heart that he dumped 2 shots the first time around. I spoke with a few ex army, my uncle and my brother n law. They told me and a couple of gun experts say that if you shoot a few rounds and you want to reload you take out any ammo thats inside your gun if you want to keep safe calibration. So this yao ming, gung hay fat choi guy had to put a few in the chamber to reload creating a few problems probably not since they are new firearms. So he reloaded and filled them to capacity one more time. What are the chances of him killing off 31 students and injurying 15 more with 20 rounds that are impenetrable and 20 that have resistance to go through a body and injurying another. I dont think anyone in Iraq that are qualified to kill have that much success to a person that plays metal gear 24/7. If any balistics expert want to challenge me for that theory alone so be it. They said he bought the gun a few weeks ago or whatever that means the seller had to sell him more clips so he could have a better chance at killing more people.

Those donut eating, cellulite packing pigs had well over an hour to warn any teacher, student, neighbors etc. to stay indoors cause there has been a multiple deaths. A buddy of mine, who works for the Union cause hes a contractor, explained to me that if someone gets harmfully injured or death that they cease all work and go home until everything that been cleared. Why didnt they say well this happened on campus lets yellow tape everything evacuate all students until further notice. Why did they let people go back to class knowing that they didnt have the suspect arrested. These are grown ass people that have lively jobs to serve and protect people but they cant do their jobs right. If we didnt learn from 9/11 why did they make the same mistake.
Its easy to blame some guy who did do wrong cause he wasnt in his right mind. Yea he did the shooting but they're many ways that these people who know how to maintain and control a situation cause they spent many hours of training to prevent things like this from happening. Why isnt their blame on the dude that sold the firearms. Why arent they blaming the ones who were there to evacuate the students to a safer place than a classroom where its easy for some idiot to lock the doors with a chain and go onnna shooting spree. There is so much to it but I want exact proof of how things went down. I want a full computer generated scenario how everything happened bullet to bullet, how it killed and afected everyone involved just how they have computer generated scenerios of JFK, 9/11, etc. because I still dont believe that some kid could get 100% + in 33 fatalities and 15 injured off of 2 handguns with 2 extra clips. His ass shouldve been working for the CIA or special forces in Iraq or afghanistan....