20SIXX He saw that shit coming from ten miles away and you still tried to go there homie; but really I'm actually not taking sides here I just kinda want to know too... why no pic? You obviously got the E-Friends here to back you up so I doubt you'd get clowned on, and you could actually end this whole lame ass pointless arguement by spending 1 minute uploading a pic... unless... what Tadou is saying is true?
Tadou talks just to hear himself talk... most annoying part of it is- he believes he is all knowing... is this really about a photo... no... to be harrassed into posting up a pic of yourself by TADOU..? .. pshh... never that..
I think dude has to post a pic...If all of this is not true, then Dirty will probably lose all creditablity he ever had. I vote that homie posts the pic, and end it right now.
I was thinking the same thing. I don't see why everyone wants to know what he looks like anyway, who cares? Everyone that's saying he should post a photo, should do the same or shut up.:dead: