18 with a lenyo/spliff

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Oct 26, 2006
that might be it, the beat was alright, what i was getting at before is its just kinda repetative, i think its kinda of too short a loop to be repeated again and again, maybe if it was mastered and i had better bass on my computer speakers it wouldnt seem that way but it was real repatative thats what i meant before when i said by the end of the song i felt bored
kool kool ya a bumpin system helps!but all feedback is good!e-low
Oct 26, 2006
ey u got 5 good songz on dat mixtape imo
good lookin all those beats were made by me execpt like 2 but ya i stay grindin the support from evryone helps and the hate does to im glad u like some of the tracks,feel free to link or let anyone you want burn a copy its all luv e-low.thats actualy a 831 comp put together by me to prote the area for free those who felt my shit rolled thru!