I remember nortenos in the west side, they used to be deep...
but startin like 98-99...i rarely saw any around...mostly surenos, especially on Grant, by the train tracks by poplar, 3rd ave and Turnbo b-ball courts...
and there mighta been a 18th St norteno gang in west side san mateo, but that sitll ain't 18th st, shit, the closest number its to is 1st, so they musta not been from Ramona originally...and i'm sayin, go down over there and you will se 18th WSLA tagged around...
i know of 17th st and 18th st nortenos, but they lived on 17th and 18th...
and i used to be in the west side all the time...i got family there...played ball there in Twilight, hung out at the King Center and all that...
buti could be wrong, cus the only mexican cats i knew were Jose and Alex, i just know what i know, from what i saw and who i saw...
and true that Nicoya415...one of my bestfriends uncles got SFM tatted on the back of his head, i think a 14 on his eyelid, and a huelga bird on his neck...
a lot of the older cats got tats on their faces