Honestly, this s--t is a quality mixtape all the way through...I will be slumping this for a while..
Good lookin G-Macc...he is definitely standing out to me and making a name for himself among Sac rappers..definitely one of my fav...he has funny a-- lines for days and him laughing through the s--t makes it even more funny..I stay looking for the next line...Nigga makes it seem so easy for him...his ability to adapt to beats, speed up and slow down his flow is really nice...I cant see how anyone can be a fan of Sac or Gardens rap and not like G-macc..his mic presence is one of the best IMO..
I cant choose my fav tracks yet, the track with G-Macc and Lynch went off and it sounds like they were just playing around..
Good looking Venom as well..