10,000 scientists protest political interference in the scientific process

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Apr 25, 2002
"In the last several years, we've seen an increase in both the misuse of science and I would say an increase of bad science in a number of very important issues; for example, in global climate change, international peace and security, and water resources."

Stockton look at this way. Most people on this board who bash religion and worship science often say,"may wrote this", and "man wrote that" and they follow that up with "science proves this", and "the studies show that". Do these people realize that they may have been accepting numbers, stats,data, etc that have been changed and compromised?
Aug 6, 2006
JLMACN said:
^^^you know...that air is not really air..
thats its really Gods breathe.

LMFAO!! Why'd you have to go and do that? I almost fell out my seat and woke my lady up after reading that, lol! Good one..
Aug 6, 2006
jon21 said:
^^^its not that funny...lol but im laughing at your reaction to it
Man, I don't know why it was so funny, prolly coz he made that nigga seem like a lunatic, lol.. A lot of people in this forum reject science totally and it's just funny when someone else calls them out on it in a witty ass way like that.


Apr 25, 2002
ParkBoyz said:
Man, I don't know why it was so funny, prolly coz he made that nigga seem like a lunatic, lol.. A lot of people in this forum reject science totally and it's just funny when someone else calls them out on it in a witty ass way like that.
Who did he make seem like a lunatic? Cause if you are implying that he made ME look like a lunatic I'll handle it with him....

JLMACN who was your comment directed at?
Mar 12, 2005
ParkBoyz said:
Man, I don't know why it was so funny, prolly coz he made that nigga seem like a lunatic, lol.. A lot of people in this forum reject science totally and it's just funny when someone else calls them out on it in a witty ass way like that.
More people in the Siccness accept science almost as if it's their religion. There are only a few, and the reason it seems that science is being rejected alot in these forums is because a few actually question science, and try to find refuting evidence, instead of sitting on your thumbs accepting what scientist present.
Mar 9, 2005
HERESY said:
Stockton look at this way. Most people on this board who bash religion and worship science often say,"may wrote this", and "man wrote that" and they follow that up with "science proves this", and "the studies show that". Do these people realize that they may have been accepting numbers, stats,data, etc that have been changed and compromised?
The stats and data are rarely compromised - it's just selective as to what data is interpreted and presented as relevant to any specific case. The problem with global warming is not that the data is biast but that only one side is presented (data is always objective unless people deliberately design experiments to bias their data - other scientists immediately recognise this though and their experiments are usually always discredited).

The problem is that the media, based on what the government tell them to do, always present a single side of the story, the one which benefits the government. In relation to global climate change, nearly every single study in the past 20 years has shown that 'humans are most likely the cause of the increase in global mean temperatures', however there have been a few studies which were poorly undertaken which conclude the opposite. The government uses these studies to 'show' that science discredits the now universally accepted notion that humans are responsible for climate change. If everyone knew how to 'read' science, they would realise this. Unfortunately, the majority of the American public know few details about this science and rely on a laymans summary - all of which come from biast news sources.

The government not only selects which studies are presented to support it's case, they also prevent studies which refute their claims from being published until they want them to. I can't remember the specifics, but there is an Island off Alaska which is made of ice where several people live. Recent studies have shown that the ice is melting at a fantastic rate and that global climate change is to blame. Bush forced the scientists to withhold their data until after the elections because it would reflect badly on their environmental policies.
Mar 9, 2005
More people in the Siccness accept science almost as if it's their religion. There are only a few, and the reason it seems that science is being rejected alot in these forums is because a few actually question science, and try to find refuting evidence, instead of sitting on your thumbs accepting what scientist present.
Damn Stockton, you're a good one to talk! If you change the words 'scientist' and 'science' for 'religious follower' and 'religion', then you have a valid statement.

Science is there to be questioned. Every experiment that occurs is analyzed and, if proven false, discredited. The reason why science is conclusive is that only those theories which have not been disproven are taken as being true. It's a form of intellecual natural selection. If I read something scientific that sounds too good to be true, then it probably is and I will actively search for refuting data or problems in their experimental protocols such as variables that they haven't controlled. If I can't find anything that goes against this data, then I will conclude that, based on the available data, it may be true (not a single reputable scientist would say that their research 'proves this and proves that' - instead they say 'my research suggests this and suggests that').
Mar 9, 2005
JLMACN said:
what the fuck are you talking Cockton?


get a dictionary...

Well said.

If you seriously think that to prove something and to suggest something are the same thing, then I feel sorry for you Stockton. You are in desperate need of a primary school education.
Aug 6, 2006
More people in the Siccness accept science almost as if it's their religion. There are only a few, and the reason it seems that science is being rejected alot in these forums is because a few actually question science, and try to find refuting evidence, instead of sitting on your thumbs accepting what scientist present.
Science, unlike religion, should always be looked at objectively. So if someone treats science like religion, they have a problem and will believe any thing. If it makes sense to you logically, and you can see the math in it, then you have all the reason in the world to believe it. Just certain things that people question is ridiculous.. I think someone not that long ago tried to question the "fact" that things existed before humans did, and didn't want to trust the fossil records. Now that's just being stubborn, that's people who are set in their ways bro, that's all I'm saying. I couldn't even touch that, I mean, some things are clear as day bro. 2 + 2 will always = 4, so, you know. Some things just can't be questioned in the face of overwhelming evidence. Some people on here don't believe the dinosaurs ever existed, how crazy is that?


Apr 25, 2002
The stats and data are rarely compromised
10k scientists tend to disagree with that buddy.

- it's just selective as to what data is interpreted and presented as relevant to any specific case. The problem with global warming is not that the data is biast but that only one side is presented (data is always objective unless people deliberately design experiments to bias their data - other scientists immediately recognise this though and their experiments are usually always discredited).
You speak as if global warming research is the only thing tainted hutch. Here, read this and pay attention to the words in bold:

"In the last several years, we've seen an increase in both the misuse of science and I would say an increase of bad science in a number of very important issues; for example, in global climate change, international peace and security, and water resources."
Hutch, can you please explain to the board why you chose to focus on global warming when the article clearly states there has been an increase of bad science in a number of fields/issues?

The problem is that the media, based on what the government tell them to do, always present a single side of the story, the one which benefits the government. In relation to global climate change, nearly every single study in the past 20 years has shown that 'humans are most likely the cause of the increase in global mean temperatures', however there have been a few studies which were poorly undertaken which conclude the opposite. The government uses these studies to 'show' that science discredits the now universally accepted notion that humans are responsible for climate change. If everyone knew how to 'read' science, they would realise this. Unfortunately, the majority of the American public know few details about this science and rely on a laymans summary - all of which come from biast news sources.

Should we accept the fact that data was only comprimised in one area, or should we question the validity any research that could have been influenced by the government? The fact is, the numbers and data have been manipulated in several areas, and it isn't far fetched to believe that the results you and others cling to may have been compromised.

The government not only selects which studies are presented to support it's case, they also prevent studies which refute their claims from being published until they want them to. I can't remember the specifics, but there is an Island off Alaska which is made of ice where several people live. Recent studies have shown that the ice is melting at a fantastic rate and that global climate change is to blame. Bush forced the scientists to withhold their data until after the elections because it would reflect badly on their environmental policies.
That ice can melt, flood your home and some of the members here can drown in it. Do you think I care? No. The point is any field of science that the government had a hand in is subject to severe skepticism. You can throw the media in this all you want, you can make an issue of global warming, but you and I both know it doesn't make a difference. 10,000 didn't just protest global warming data and how it has been compromised. 10,000 scientists protested "political interference in the scientific process."